Model Suggestion give crim some crude tazer

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Suggestion Title: give crim some crude tazer
Suggestion Description: IRL lots of gangs are using tazers to attack and mug people . i dont know if you would add a handheld one or one that shoots bolts but it could be the same price as a grenade

Why should this be added?:
- Would be funny
better way to mug people, or kidnap dons

What negatives could this have?:
- minge potential
Could just make the taser craftable and configure it to take cartridges instead of having infinite ammo instead.

Personally I think if a taser were added as a craftable however it should definitely cost more than a grenade, It should cost around 30k to craft and it’s cartridges should be around the cost of a grenade rather than the whole unit. This would discourage misuse as it’d be a costly expense.

That is, If even giving civs access to it in the first place would be a good idea. I don’t think it’s a bad one, but there’s certainly drawbacks and not having access to it currently isnt causing any issues.
Could just make the taser craftable and configure it to take cartridges instead of having infinite ammo instead.

Personally I think if a taser were added as a craftable however it should definitely cost more than a grenade, It should cost around 30k to craft and it’s cartridges should be around the cost of a grenade rather than the whole unit. This would discourage misuse as it’d be a costly expense.

That is, If even giving civs access to it in the first place would be a good idea. I don’t think it’s a bad one, but there’s certainly drawbacks and not having access to it currently isnt causing any issues.
Is there really any added benefit? What could it even be used for?
if people raid and there will probably be a guy right at the door and one of the raiders runs in and the guy that have the tazar will zap him and kill him
Why no gun licenses then, would love to see less shootouts because crims are afraid to lose their gun license lol
same reason you don't need a gun license as cop but need a taser qualification

The more I thought about it - it could honestly be tied to your PLPD certification, tbh

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