Give your friendly neighbourhood officer a lift to the station!

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Great Britain
Topic: Allowing officers, medics, firefighters, etc. a ride in your civilian vehicle.

Short Description: Allow police officers, paramedics, firefighters, mayor, and all other LEO/EMS/Government jobs to ride in civilian vehicles just like any other civilian.

Detailed Description:

At the moment, if you find an officer standing next a smashed out police cruiser on the highway, and you want to help, the best you can do is, if you have a pick-up truck, and a chair, let them sit in the chair in the back, which is not only unsafe, but fucking stupid in every way. This should be added as it would add more roleplay to these situations. #addsrealism

I assume many a time has a gang or two tried to kidnap the mayor, but to no avail, as he is such a stuck up snob that he won't get in anything except a fucking Limo. This would allow the mayor into any car, say for example, his SS are dead, and a police officer needs to escort him back to city hall, now he can get into the squad cruiser just as any other civilian could.

adds realism

Optional Additions:
Allow civilians into police cruisers without having to be handcuffed, as it's fucking stupid that unless you have fancy bracelets on, you can't get into a cop car.

Santos has it, why don't we?
Allow civilians into police cruisers without having to be handcuffed
Add the civilian to your buddy list and then he will be able to ride with you without being cuffed. Also, isn't it already possible for the mayor to get in the police cruisers?
I agree with the rest though as it can be really annoying.
Taxi driver has this ability so if there's a taxi driver then usually they do the job of picking people up.

I still think this should be implemented though.
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