God Save The Queen

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Since a lot of people seem to be doing this , and the fact I have nothing better to do with my life (#sadface) figured I'd write an intro too :)

You might have noticed me on the server , I'm that asshole who drives through town yelling 'clear the way , comming through' or runs after ya shouting in a very irritating british voice , with wich i repeatedly yell 'God save the Queen'

I started roleplaying a long time ago. It began with good ol' D&D (back when it was still a good edition) with friends and boy , those were some fun times.
Nothing better than some D&D , friends to laugh with , pizza and some beers , those were the days.

After some time we slowly just stopped and fell apart as a D&D group , so I started looking for other ways to continue roleplaying.
I then went on to medieval - fantasy mincraft servers for a while , and later found my way to Perpheads thanks to my good friend kashinovich , who suggest I check it out.

I was surprised that garry's mod , a game that I didn't consider to be all that valuable, provided such an intense and addicting roleplay experience. I'm hooked.
I've been online daily since that day , and been trying my best to provide an enjoyable roleplaying experience both for myself and the people around me.

Have had some problems here and there , but the good times still very much outweigh the bad ones.

For those interested , I'm 18 years old and was born and raised in Belgium. Besides gaming I play several musical instruments , DJ occasionally at events and spent the rest of my time with friends , at the gym etc , or I just waste my time doing shit all .. of course.

So yeah , just in case someone makes it through this entire post without falling asleep. Thanks for reading :)

Hope to see you all in game !

" God Save The Queen ! "

Ruben - Falcon