GoDaddy - The web is your domain!

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We at GoDaddy provide free webhosting in paralake city. Our company, founded in 2016 by Dave Kearney is the leading provider in webhosting, virtual & dedicated servers.

Our company
Our company is located on business street 12 (The business shops), we are open monday's - fridays from 9 - 6.
Need to contact us on non-business days/hours? Send us an email or give Dave a call!
[email protected] (yes that is an actual E-mail, doesnt work now)
or dial #854-5183

Our services
GoDaddy has been providing free hosting services since we officially registered in 2016.
Every customer will receive their own CPanel with many features such as 10 emails per site, complete freedom on website content, and many ready to install packages such as wordpress, Simple machines forums and Joomla!

Our free package incudes:
  • A free subdomain
  • 10GB of disk space
  • 100GB/Month of banthwith
  • 10 SQL Databases
  • 10 user E-Mails
Terms Of service
"We","us","Our" - GoDaddy
"account","user","you","The owner" - The person who contains ownership of the registered account and website.
"Authorites","police" - The Paralake police department.
"Criminal activities","Unlawful activities" - Acts that include, but are not limited to, assasinations, production of illigal substances or any other crime that is written in the Paralake Penal Code

By using our service, you hereby agree to the following rules. Failing to adhere to these rules will lead to your account termination. When appropiate you will be reported to authorities.

1. You agree your account and website can be terminated without reason by any employee of GoDaddy.
2. You may not use our service for criminal activities, doing so will lead to immideate termination of your account and website, and you will be reported to the police.
3. (OOC) you may only use the website for your organistation, do not take advantage of it for personal use.(for example, a blog or store) your account will be deleted
4. You agree your website and its content may be publicly listed and viewed by anybody.
5. Your website may not contain content which can be very demanding on our servers.

Get your free website now!
Request your website here: (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
Please use this template:
Full name*:
Phone number*:
E-mail adress*:
What will the website be used for*:
Which company/organisation is bound/will be bound to the website*:
Further information:

lines with a * are required answers
That's sweet bro, but i was looking more of 500TB/Month to push some porn around so it doesn't seem like this paralake hosting is going to work out for me. Thanks for the info doe!

As of today, godaddy is now providing their services in paralake.

We have decided to provide three simple packages.

Free package:
  • A free subdomain
  • 10GB of disk space
  • 100GB/Month of banthwith
  • 10 SQL Databases
  • 10 user E-Mails
Premium package - 20.000$:

  • A free subdomain
  • 10GB of disk space
  • 100GB/Month of banthwith
  • 10 SQL Databases
  • 10 user E-Mails
  • support with installing your website

Deluxe package - 100.000$:
  • A free subdomain
  • 10GB of disk space
  • 100GB/Month of banthwith
  • 10 SQL Databases
  • 10 user E-Mails
  • we setup and configure your desired software. From settings to template.
You may upgrade your package at anytime.
Reserve your website today!

Please send an email to:
[email protected] (Abuse it and i will track you down, not joking)

This template is required:
Full name*:
Phone number*:
E-mail adress*:
What will the website be used for*:
Which package*:

Which subdomain do you request*:
Which company/organisation is bound/will be bound to the website*:
Further information:
lines with a * are required answers

By requesting a website. You agree to our ToS and our partner's ToS

Godaddy parlake.
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