Goodbye everyone.

Reaction score

Well, I've been thinking a lot lately about making this leaving post and to be honest, I don't really know what to say. I am leaving this community permanently (-ish) due to me moving to another country on the other side of the world and because having a have a fresh new start. I'd like to say that my stay in this community this past year was amazing, I'd never change it for anything. I met amazing people and memories that will be hard to forget.

I remember the time I first played on the PH server, it was about a year ago. I was really stupid and didn't know how anything worked so I ran up to some sweater next to me and beat the shit out of him with a bat that I'd bought. I got banned for a week and then I tried to get unbanned by making a really shitty appeal and when it got denied I just kept on using the shoutbox, chatting with some of the members and it really got me involved in this community and I loved it. I had very pleasant time in this community and it has really helped me a lot in times of need so I'm writing this because I feel the need to express my love and respect I have for the people here.

People say that people you meet online aren't real friends but the internet IS real life since it's a reality, so I consider a lot of people in this community not as "online friends" but friends.

Thank you very much, guys. The memories and experiences I've had here will most likely never rot.
i love you guys xd xoxo
Sanuhl out xd
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I shed a tear, bye mr sanuhl


I will miss shitposting fucking retarded memes in the shoutbox with you and others. Peace.
I remember when I first met you, I was that squeaky screaming retard that nobody liked and we were in the same org, and when I accidentally ran you over with my ford you started calling me retarded cunt but I didn't mind because I didn't know what retarded cunt meant because I was a retarded cunt, anyway, I liked playing with you, and you have almost always been nice, so it's sad to see you go, but sometimes stuff like this happens and people move on after a while, that's what humans do.

Goodbye Sanuhl, I'll miss you.
This is rather fitting.
Sanuhl it's true, we will indeed mine again in some dark caaaave. Keep mining through, just like you, used to dooooo, til your diamond pickaxe breaks and you get a new oonnneeee.

Bye Sanuhl, it's been an honor memeing with you.
Its always sad to see a member of the community leave, especially when its someone who has been here for as long as you have, its been an absolute pleasure to role-play with you, and its sad that this could be your last time with us. I wish you the best of luck for your future and I hope you get what you want to achieve in life. Good luck and stay safe!
I was really stupid

and still are xd

You've always been an interesting person to talk to on Team Speak, good luck with your fresh start, will maybs talk to you on TS if you are on once in a while :PPPPP

in a crocodile while
Shit man.

Honestly thought that you had been here for more than a year. I've grown so used to spotting your memes every time I opened the shoutbox. We will indeed miss those spicy maymays.

I wish you the best of luck with your life, and with whatever you wish to do.

Hopefully you will hop on every once in a while to say hi. :)