Goodbye for now

Reaction score
Hello, some of you may know this already, but for those of you who don't. I got banned. Not that big of a surprise. I've played a lot of CS:GO lately and after meeting those raging Russians you speak of I came back to Perp. When I did I got 2 warnings during the same month and this month I got a ban, this is because I would just shoot and kill no fucks given. Didn't really care about the rules, and 3.4 is very hard to follow so I ended up getting banned. If you're wondering how I got banned you can check the reasons in source bans or check out the original video down at the spoiler.

Pretty much, I won't become an enforcer anymore :laughcry:, even if I had a chance of getting it. Normally I would feel quite down about it, but I don't feel anything right now really. Most people who earn staff positions go inactive these days and I would've just been another one of them if I did get it. I wouldn't have got it anyways so no doubt about that. I got finals now which I need to study for, my finals end in 1 week which would be at Thursday. If I don't make a ban apology then it's probably because I'm too busy with school. I have a feeling that when I'm done with my finals I'll stick with CS:GO because all I do on Perp now is either raid or minge around with people like Robert Crane and Joe Baggers. Not to mention the fact that most of my old friends have left Perp, and The Standish Family is not gonna live long since @Kitty is leaving. It's just not the same as it used to be I guess, really miss the old times.

George Schurr.
It's only a 3 day ban, go study for your exams, come back refreshed, maybe this is a blessing since you won't be distracted from studying by PERP :). See you on the server soon.
Only just properly played with you today, but your a funny lad, even if you gave out my number as a prostitute, which led to my ban in the end, kek, see you later alligator.

Now that Crafting + is back and there's some action going on I decided to hop on Perp every now and then. Won't be as active as I used to be, but I will be playing a little bit more now lmao. I'll probably leave again once C+ is disbanded, but for now this is exciting. See you guys in-game ;)

-Edit- Forgot to mention I also got a 1 week ban from CS:GO and Santos RP is pretty boring because some members are rude. I only play it with other Perp players now. So yeah :( it was pretty boring and now I have something to do :D
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