After the last update my gmod keeps crashing everyday when the server becomes almost full. Since this can ruin other player's RP, and mine too, i decided to stop playing on the server: mainly because the fact that i lose drugs and houses makes me rage a lot
, but also to avoid a ban for possibly RP evading (if i'll crash in a RP sit).
I'll still be online on the forum and maybe i'll check the server, when it's full, to see if the problem keep existing.
I hope it will be fixed asap, meanwhile if i will decide that i'll never come back i would thanks the following people:

I'll still be online on the forum and maybe i'll check the server, when it's full, to see if the problem keep existing.
I hope it will be fixed asap, meanwhile if i will decide that i'll never come back i would thanks the following people:
- Swiper: for being a great admin and make my laughing a lot for being "racist".
- Daymon: for being funny even when he doesn't want to be funny. <3
- [B]Palono[/B]: The first one who helped me lending me 50k$ after i got mugged and lost all my money the first time i joined
- the rest of the staff
- [B]William [/B] and his friends: he was the best, and they where my first family and we passed a lot of time togeter
- [B]Batman[/B]: the one who replaced William after he got banned, great boss too
- [B]Shaun[/B]: my actual boss, great RPlayer. he didn't know i was his biggest fan
- [B]Nem3siS[/B]: for never forgetting me even if he got multiple bans. sad that i'm leaving the day he come back
- [B]Nonosve[/B]: for listening to me trying to become a better RPlayer, he failed and he's permabanned
, but i'm still proud of him for trying
- Darkaltayr and his friend: the first ones italians that i met on the server. I would thank Dark most of everyone for giving me the funniest moments i've had on the server
- [B]Palono[/B]: again, even if he isn't Italian i placed him here too because he can speak it very well, and i wouldn't met him if he couldn't speak Italian
- bpstar_123: i randomly met this guy when the server was almost empty, he then introduced me to Palono who i knew already and he discovered Palono could speak Italian too
- All the other Italians who i met on the server, who gaved me more reasons to stay in this community
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