Goodbye -ish

Reaction score
Hey everyone ,
I got banned again (ikr how could that happen) , and im tierd of getting banned so im just gonna take a break. (might give up and make an apeal in a month or two).
Thanks for the all of the amazing time i had on this server and u might see again in 3 months or so .
I want to say thanks to a couple of people :
@Sam , Thanks for being with me seince the start we had some good times togher.
@Silent , Thanks for being a good friend and stop hacking (ביי יא אח)
@neO- , you probs wont see it but thanks for being a good friend and a funny guy .
@Cudder , I remember you from way back when i started you are a very cool guy thanks for all the funny times we had togher.
@Moti From The Schuna , one of the funniest guy i know cya soon man.
@xhantium alltough u banned me i still think u are a very nice guy thanks.
@MachineGunO , stop hacking in rb6 man thanks.

And ofc many more but those are the main people i want to say thanks to.

Thanks for you time , Shokron.

(you might see me making an apeal soon xD cuz ill give up)
Take care Shokron. You were the best friend I have made on PERP and I don't think I would be playing this long if it wasn't for you. Although we don't talk that much anymore I would still really like to keep speaking to you mate. Take care.
what about me ?

Good Luck in your life and your future plans , i hope to see you again in ph as soon as you get unbanned