I think it's time for me to go.

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Hey guys, I'm thinking about leaving the server due to the warnings I've got recently, now that I've got a one day ban I think it's time for me to leave the server.

I'm to scared to cause more problems, and receive more warnings, ending up with a permanent ban.
I just want to tell all of my friends for all the amazing time I had, raiding, bank robberies, banter. I'll see you guys another time again.

Thanks, Esteban Winsmore for being the greatest friend possible, you are the best!
Thanks, JJJackier for being a good friend, you always make me smile and laugh.
Thanks, Lexa / Llama or whatever your name is lol. :3 Thank you, for the times we spend together, you are a very kind and friendly person.
Thanks, to all the people in the organisation '' The Harpers '' without you guys, I would probably be growing alone, being bored to shizz.

Thanks, to Jay_ for talking to me, making me happy and being a sweet dude. ( jk ur a retarddd. )
Thanks, Rogue. For all the sweaty paws!
Thanks, Creepis, for being a great guy to base and hang around with. c:
Thanks, Keel. For the great raids and fun times we had.
No, theres nothing for you Jeffer Cake, I hate you alot. ( Nah, thanks for being a cool guy. )

( Edit; Thanks Sdac2 / Michael for all the milk ty ya scottish fagget )

Thanks, Perpheads, for being a great community. You guys are all really kind, I love you all and hopefully I'll see you soon again!


Moon the goon, thank you. ( Mr Hendersunnnnnn )

- Ian Dalum, your favourite gay furry dude that rushes in in every raid and always dies.

Fun stuff that happened, btw.


Thanks again, everyone. c:
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I had a grate time whit you Ian(I am think about the bank robberys, raids and basing whit each other). I hoop you will be back soon.
Well cya later Ian And hope you Will be good in life. Thanks for THE great times And hope to see you on THE server so NOW And than!

Just promise to return one day, k?

and where the heck is my mention >:(
Did I give you permission to leave? Uh no.

Please dont leave! I was just about to get active on the server for the summer vacation!

Thank you for all the great times we had, you sexy beast. It's been so great murdering people with you, I've had a blast with ya.

You will always have a special spot in my heart.

Sweet kisses, your only Ebbe <3

You better come back again soon :(
No need to leave because you can't follow the rules lmao. I mean, if people think that's why I'm leaving then you're terribly wrong. I just got bored from all of it and decided to take a break I guess. All you need to do is use some common sense and if that's difficult then ask a staff member whether your actions are acceptable before doing them. I myself didn't care much of the rules after I came back 2 months ago I think. This is why I pretty much am banned now, if I did think about my actions then you would see a thread called "Fasool's Enforcer Application #13". Once you get unbanned just take a small break, read the rules, and come back. If you still get banned then don't get yourself involved in police raids because those are the most raids which people get banned in. There's always this sweatercop that pulls a gun out under gun point or raids you for having an expensive car. Also if you do get banned then just wait a few months and make an appeal. I mean it seems to work out for people like Ethan, and it's nothing bad against the staff team. It's actually good otherwise people like Jarred, Robin, or Aaron wouldn't be able to prove themselves. Just think about your actions and always have someone with you, that way you could get them banned too and won't feel as bad. Although if you have a staff member alongside you that would be even better because they would probably stop you from breaking the rules and when you do they will let it slide. It's your choice ;).
Enjoy it while you've got it; if you get banned it's just like leaving and not playing either way. Don't go Eeeean.
At least your not like me ;/ .... I'd wish to have your record , but seriously , don't leave over a stupid warning record / ban , you haven't seen me leave after around 13+ warnings and 6+ bans...
Please, you only have 2 bans on record and this ban is only one day.
Please don't leave, I don't want you to.
You don't have to leave :(

But seriously its been great having you around. I remeber all the times i would be raiding and the out of no where you would show up and it would have turned out you have gatted the whole police force just to save me!

Thanks for the great times!
jkjkjk, ur decision, ur choices but hey, I can't deal in the server without my lgbt+ partner <3
As queer said, you dont really need to leave. You only have 2 bans on record and a few warnings. But I understand if you want to take a break anyways, cuz I am too. I will join of a few times but it will never be the same without you, lets keep on having weird BIG ASSED conversations.

