Goodbye Jordan Ireland

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I was 10 k away from my new car and now im 150k away from it because all i do is get gang banged by raiders i cant ever get time to put a clock down and everything.
i am posting this goodbye because i am fed up with this server and it is just taking to much time from me and all i do is die.

Jordan Ireland
I'm sorry for raiding you.

Mate, i spent a whole year of perp getting raided and bullied, just keep trying and u will have enough money to get good guns and kill raiders :)
trust me, everyone went through this stage, some people give up early, some people dont.. and the people who dont.. turn out to be rich
Well when you watched us rob ur drugs into puffer you just took there with a shotgun and there was 3 of us with m14 2 shotguns, how did you except that to go for you, also just sell ur current car for 150k ;)
Mate,I've been here from about early 2016,I have based with my sweater buddy until about now as he is bored of perp.I got my first (good) car with him because he was the only one I knew.When he quit I saw Jericho playing and I started basing with pp.Atm I have about 1,100,000 and I started from like 100k when I bought my mazda rx7.Get more friends,powerful orgs and shit like that and you'll be fine
Thats why you make a boat and grow on it , try it! It actually works xd
We've all been there mate. It is a real nuisance, I know, but don't give up just like that. You could always consider alternative ways to make some money such as joining the Police Department, craft and sell firearms, run a casino (If they haven't died off yet), there are many more ways you can earn money so you can get that car you wanted. Plus a bonus to using different methods of making money is that you are less likely to lose big money when compared to growing drugs (Unless you consider Casinos, then there's lots of money on the line that could be lost).

Tl;dr, try new methods of making money :)
try to join the police force you will not be bored and earn alot of cash when stuff gets confiscated. Bigger people like to raid smaller people because we are easy profit for them. Don't try grow alone always do it with friends and if you have none try to get some friends at bazaars but currently bazaars are dead.
I remember the first time I tried to get a Lamborghini Reventon back in early 2016 and I was 500k away and I got bombed by @Standish Well I mean I guess it was bound to happen since I was basing in the Office :P The mistake I made however was the fact I blew all my money on random shit and gave up. I actually made a thread similar to yours but in much more detail and a lot darker O_o but I cant find that right now. But if you want to get fast cars, lots of guns and buy good shit you got to be determined. Perp is not designed to have people driving Bugatti's within the first week. (Unless you get a fuck ton of help and you have no life) It's to keep the current player base for as long as possible before they die off and get bored. I mean hell most of the people who I used to play with when I started have left and that's because they have done everything and they got bored. They bought the fast cars and guns and just raided and raided until they got bored. The people who raid you now were in your shoes at some point. If you keep going and pushing and buy that fast car you will find that you will begin to raid people for a living. All I do on the server now is find someway for me to use my guns or go as a cop (preferably S.W.A.T) My point is that if you want that fast car you need to keep pushing for it because that's what most people with fast cars now had to do. That's what I had to do.
Mate, maybe you're not leaving and you may be back but look,
On Easter all I did was play PERP all night and I was ALWAYS alone, I only based with some a couple of times (Not even with someone, they like "protected" me or something even tho I was the one that saved them)
So the point is that I've always been alone saving up for a new car, I was always alone, with only a pistol or something shitty, with no defenses trying to grow while there's not much players but I was constantly being raided by the same people, I was getting really salty and was annoyed but I haven't gave up and now I have this car, I don't know how to explain it to you because text on screen wont make you feel like you can do anything but I did, and you shouldn't give up , again , over 15 days for new car, always basing alone.. worked.
Hate break it to you but raiding is the balance to drug growers. You grow drugs expect to get raided simple like that, this is a RP server not extreme growing drugs RP servers. Don't complain about getting raided.

Of course you are going to be raided, it is PERP. The whole system is based on trial and error until you are powerful enough to fend off the people that try to raid you.
When i was a sweater i fought against the biggest orgs in the server at the time with a few of my mates , we would lose 99.9% of the time but we still kept going.
You can always go cop and find other ways to make money .
GL in the future