
Reaction score
United States
Well, the time has come.

I guess this is goodbye for the community. I would just like to say It was a honor by playing with you all. You always kept me happy and smiling in my worst times. But let's cut the shit, and get to the recommendations.

@MUSHIE 2.0 - Damn, you were possibly my best friend in this community. I don't think you will be leaving my friends list for quite a while. You are a good RPer and a excellent friend.

@Smokey Cow Boy - I taught you a lot, but there is still more to be learned. Keep RPing.

@Shaun - Since I mugged you, and you got me banned. Your America, therefore I like you.

@Staffteam - You guys did your job well and kept everyone in check. Good job to that. Even though I wanted your help in TS and NOONE helped me, you are all still wonderful people.

@Jordan - I wish you would have accepted me in Police Supervisors since when it started and I didn't have to waste my time doing 20 apps. Thanks for working in PH. You were a good Staff Member and Community Player.

@EverybodyelseinPH. - Thank you for all of the wonderful times. You are all possibly some of the best RPers and SeriousRP Server, I have ever seen. Keep it that way and don't turn into SantosRP and make it to where I have to apply to play on the server.

jk, banter.
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Bye! I dont get why you're leaving but thats fine, I liked you sometimes, you were a straight on officer who didnt chat shit which i liked. Sad to see you leave
Although you've been a pain in the ass I'm still sad to see another perpheads member leave, bye and good luck in life!
I'm actually going to miss your little outbursts of killing people, was fun to stop you as cops :D
Hope you return one day mate!
Bye bye, I do somehow remember you a little from cop roleplay.. Have fun in the so called place "Real Life"

More harsh then here..