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Hey guys,

I decided to leave the server for a while, maybe for ever.
I realy enjoyed playing whith at least the most of you and i hope we will stay in contact.

The reason for my decision are mainly the events happened a few month ago. Someone promised me that things will change and after 2 month without changes i took my decision.
I can´t agree with a lot of decisions taken in the past and i don´t want to spend my free time in supporting them and I also don´t have very much time atm because of my studying.
Even so I don´t want to blame anyone and i want to leave the server as a friend.

I step down my Admin rank and i hope they will find another one to replace me.

Wish the best to all of you.

Goodbye, good luck for the future!

Also, will the S.W.A.T video be abondoned? and make sure i get all your money ;) (joking :p)
This is my 100th post so be proud my friend!
All the good times i have had with you will not be forgotten, you teached me how to admire the server when I was all new to it, i really hope you will do a comeback sometime later in the future. But for now, goodbye. Will miss you buddy :)
I'm sure we'll still be in contact. Even though, I liked the way you approached to most of the events, including the one that you're talking about. I'm sure that you truly wanted what was the best for the community when you took part in it. It's very sad to hear you're leaving, I wish you stayed but you've already made up your mind. All I can say for now is thanks for making the community a better place.

Love, Ruby
Wait, you're leaving? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Well, goodbye Menta. You will be missed.
Shame that you're leaving, but It's fair enough, goodluck with studying, you were a great admin :)
Quite sad but I'm happy for you, whatever makes you happy I'll be happy :).

Take care!
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