Welcome to the Gopniks thread. This organisation is a thug organisation, we go around beating people up and stealing their stuff and in generally being as anti-social as possible. We have a strong interest in Russian hardcore trance and we are generally drinking alcohol quite a lot. They generally cause problems through-out Paralake and terrorise old Grannies and sweater vests.
Pretty much they're thugs.
Welcome to the Gopniks thread. This organisation is a thug organisation, we go around beating people up and stealing their stuff and in generally being as anti-social as possible. We have a strong interest in Russian hardcore trance and we are generally drinking alcohol quite a lot. They generally cause problems through-out Paralake and terrorise old Grannies and sweater vests.
Pretty much they're thugs.
Ringleader of thugs - Tom Hill
General attire will be tracksuit pants along with any obscure shirt that would not usually fit or go with in a western culture. For example wearing a leather jacket along with the jogging pants with smart shoes is an example of this slav attire.
Any vehicle is accepted within this org, however cheap cars such as the Volvo Turbo, Mini-Cooper or anything cheap and shit looking is perfect. It shows the true struggles of being poor and Russian.
Baseball Bats and AK47's are a requirement for all members when raiding.
// This thread is to be considered in-character. Also, I do not consider myself as a gopnik nor do I hold any racist or offensive opinions or remarks against eastern European people. This organisation is merely a satire and created for the sole purpose of having fun. I'm bound to offend Ermak eventually.
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