Graphics Designer

Hey Redbully. Why don't you use Photoshop or something like that instead of this website?..

Fred;n5880 said:
Hey Redbully. Why don't you use Photoshop or something like that instead of this website?..


What a catch. I mean, it's not that flashy anyway. It's got kind of a web 2.0 feel, but damn.
Fred;n5880 said:
Hey Redbully. Why don't you use Photoshop or something like that instead of this website?..


To be fair i dident make the logos. I made the Icons "Rank" Icons.
Tanges;n5925 said:
Also he said and I quote:

What programs do you use to make your graphics?

I use Photoshop and Paint.NET But Photoshop mostly.
Can you also do: Newbie, Junior Member, Senior Member, Expert Member, Elite Member, Honorary, Helper, Enforcer, Senior Administrator and Head Administrator?
ye those could be better as those timebeing are little bit strange,
Tanges;n5995 said:
Can you also do: Newbie, Junior Member, Senior Member, Expert Member, Elite Member, Honorary, Helper, Enforcer, Senior Administrator and Head Administrator?

Head administrator is allready in. I'll make the other ones. It might take some time for me but sure. :)
Mate, you used a website for this, if you want to see somethink better than that, you should try out pming me, but try to use your own development skills than just using an (Random Site), as you know right the websites are just to generate/make fast icons, its not like these in here, or the ones i have, if you want to take a look at the icons i have just pm me, and we can short the stuff out with TeamViewer or just showing the picture in a place that you cant copy them,