What Graphics Card Chipset Should I Buy?

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Hello, Recently, I took my PC apart again to fit a new power unit, and when looking, i decided to take a look at my graphics card, it's never given me problems, but it's reaching it's end in my opinion, so I spent about 15 minutes looking for my graphics card, and then realized, my graphics card is a chip, so I was wondering if anyone could recommend any chip graphic cards?

SUMMARY: What chip graphics card should I buy?
Well currently to the left of me I have a Geforce GTX 970 and my new computer case and my power supply arriving soon so around Thursday I will get it all sorted out and shit so I would recommend a GTX 970 as it is one of the requirements needed to run VR which is what im aiming for. #HTCvivewannabe

the AMD RX 490 or whatever it's called is a bit cool (not really cus it's quite hot) and it's just come out.

Outperforms the 970 somewhat on many games; providing you're not running 70 monitors in 60k graphics.
Nvidia has always been the go to for me (Including buying ASUS OCed cards, EVGA also seems to be amazing according to Alex), if you want a cheap and amazing budget card go for a Nvidia GTX 750 Ti.

I never liked AMD but they have recently released the AMD RX 480, cost's around $200~ and has the power of a GTX 980 (Or 970? Don't know anymore but it's between there somewhere). LinusTechTips released a video about it today, I am seriously considering about getting one for the new rig I'm going to build but I'd wait for the 490, it's going to be better than the 480 obviously and is going to wreck everything.
Also, I hope this is rather true.