Group bank account.

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Topic: Group Bank account.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Be able to put money in a group funding system.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Basically instead of loosing track of your money in gang funds and personal funds why not add an option in the bank application for a group funding where you can add people to this, this could be on an organisation tab in the phone replacing the TS3 application and placing the TS3 application inside the organisation application.

This is used for buying organisation things, only the owners of the organisation or high ranks in the bank group owners can take money out, normal users can put money in, this would be used as funding for the organisation so that if you have 100,000 and you have 50,000 organisation funds it is easily manageable.


Optional additions:
- Add it inside bank application

User warned: 2.4 Constructive supports
+SUPPORT sounds like a graet idea help to get track of the org funds
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+Support badass idea even tho we all know why you want this added... So you can upgrade from stealing from trunks to stealing from org banks.

This would let the organization leader and high rankings keep track of their funds, and what they can do with the current funds.

Right now you have to ask every org member if they can afford something, and that just takes time.

This could be very useful if you don't have money, or something that you're saving up for, for example the office, properties or a car. Or even helping someone save up for a car.
And what will happen with the money incase the organization leader decides to disband the organization? And how would it be prevented that the owner just takes everything and leaves with all the money?
This does mean I can steal money, Right? It would be a good thing as an org to look at their funds which could be for things like Guns, House and Bussiness's And even a Org Car. :) Support from meh.
With the recent addition of organization bank accounts with the organization ranks update (Still WIP) I'll move this to the accepted section. As soon as it's finished and working this will be moved to the "Done" section and this post most likely to be removed, thank you for your suggestion.
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