Guess who's back...

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Texas United States
The time has come ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ...

Today, after a 34-hour trip, I returned to the country of world war starters Germany. As soon as I have the chance to I will hop back onto the server, which will probably be tomorrow, due to my ethernet cable breaking, while I was gone, for whatever reason and all the stores that sell it closing at 8 p.m.

For those of you that now ask themselves "Well who is this dude anyway?", I'd like to introduce myself quickly:

- My name is Cole
- I have been a member of PH since 2014
- During my time here I was able to serve as Mod twice and got Best Moderator in 2016
- Within the police force, I previously served as the Captain of Patrol
- I like talking to people

For those of you that don't know where I went for a year:
Finally you are back, whilst you were away I got CPL, Resigned about 3-4 months after
Willkommen zurück im Vaterland, hast nichts vieles verpasst außer das bei Marxloh mal wieder tausende von Türken auf der Straße marchierten nach den Türkei wahlen, Kanacken beste.

Und natürlich die WM aber da weiße bestimmt schon bescheid.
Willkommen zurück im Vaterland, hast nichts vieles verpasst außer das bei Marxloh mal wieder tausende von Türken auf der Straße marchierten nach den Türkei wahlen, Kanacken beste.

Und natürlich die WM aber da weiße bestimmt schon bescheid.
Also alles in allem ist alles beim alten und Gaulands Krawatte bellt immernoch....
Welcome back, now you get to tell everyone how much you enjoyed your trip to America besides that Breaking and Entering issue in the garage.... we don't need to talk about that...
Welcome back, now you get to tell everyone how much you enjoyed your trip to America besides that Breaking and Entering issue in the garage.... we don't need to talk about that...
Yeah lets not get into Methheads trying to steal my shit...