Server Suggestion Gun Cabinets/display case

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Description of the idea: gun display case/cabinet for shops and other things

Why should this be added? (pros): Displays gun's nicley for shops

What negatives could this have? (cons): dont know of any

*Other additions:
a few examples of cabinets

Small pistol cabinet
Displays 3 pistols
cost around $4,000

Small Rifle cabinet
Displays 3 rifles
Cost around $6,000

Large pistol cabinet
Displays 10 pistols
Cost around $10,000

Large rifle cabinet
displays 6 rifles
Cost around $13,000

How it would work is basically like a trunk you click t on the cabinet then it opens up a 6 slot thing and depending on the order is the order the guns are displayed
the only item that can go in the cabinets is guns nothing else will be allowed inside

*Images: [useful images]
See the source image
See the source image
See the source image
This would be pretty cool to have in your base as well for example you could have a load of them lined up and could access them faster than a trunk maybe
This would be pretty cool to have in your base as well for example you could have a load of them lined up and could access them faster than a trunk maybe
this ment for bussines shops and bazaar stuff also could use it for base decorations