Harrison - #2 Ban Apology

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Mcglinchy
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Louis
Your In-game Name: Harrison Turner
Your Steam ID: 76561198163538099

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered: Firstly I want to say I am very sorry for my actions for the stupid mistake that I decided to do. Although It's been 4-5 months I have completely learned my lesson and I know what I did was completely wrong
Even though I like everything about the server, I will NEVER ban evade because I know that'd get me in more shit than I am no matter how much I wanna play the server, In that 4-5 months I am more than prepared to show not just the staff team but the community that my actions with what I did were completely stupid and I can promise that will not happen ever again no matter how many people try and tell me to do it or if I have one single thought in my mind to cheat, This hasn't taught me just to not cheat but it's also taught me to not be an idiot and an asshole on the server and to completely avoid breaking rules, all that I want is to start with a new clean sheet and forget the past. I still regularly check the forums and keep updated with the server as I enjoyed playing it. I won't waste my time and try to fight for it on forums for come back and cheat again there is a reason for this I want to come back and have the fun that I had before, Thinking about it like why did I even cheat in the first place, It was so stupid to cheat and get an advantage over others on a game and I completely understand what I did wrong
I didn't realize how much fun I was having and I completely took that shit for granted, the most fun I've had on my computer and I've played many RP communities from many different games, There's just something so different about it and that's why I hate myself for completely throwing it all down the drain like an idiot because I wanted an advantage over others stupidly.
You don't realize how much you miss something before it's all gone and for me I just miss all of it, 100% the most fun I've had ever on a game before because of everything
I know people might say that I, actually all cheaters for a matter of fact shouldn't be given a second chance etc but honestly, we're all people and everyone deserves a second chance, I gained some warnings yes, But I was never banned ever and I started playing in 2017,
It was just wrong time, wrong friendship group and myself being an absolute idiot listening and doing what other people say, I just wanna show the staff team and everyone at perp community that I can right all my wrongs.

Additional Comment(s): just wanna apologize to everyone for being an idiot & I'll continue to prove i'm sorry
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