Harrison's Apology v3. - @McGlinchy

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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @McGlinchy
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name
: kerzify
Your In-game Name: Harrison Turner
Your Steam ID: 76561198163538099

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating.

Why should this appeal be considered:
First things first, I want to Apologise to the community and especially the staff team for me wasting their time investigating me, To the community, I am apologetic because of the ego I gained against my enemies while cheating which is the stupidest thing I can think of.

@McGlinchy , I am sorry I wasted your time for investigating me further when I should have been straight up with you when you even first requested my demos, Sorry again, You shouldn't have to spend your time investigating rule-breakers, but it was a one-time thing it happens, Just please, a second chance will be everything, I know I will not slip up again any excuses.

I cheated because I wanted to somehow feel as if I was better than people who were actually better than me, I used it as an advantage or some would say a selfish ego boost which I agree with. In the moment of cheating, I never realized how perpheads is so well made to perfection until you can no longer play it anymore because of your stupidity. A group of immature mates who peer-pressured each other into doing it for an ego boost and a status of being one of the best which I regret highly, However, I am not in the friendship group anymore which is for the best.

I was banned almost 9-10 months ago, That is an awfully long time, however for my mistake, It was necessary and can promise it will NOT happen again, Watching old PERP videos, Just makes me want to get right back onto the server and makes me miss it even more than I already do, All I want is the whole staff teams & communities forgiveness and to understand that I am seriously apologetic and all I want to do is get back onto PERP and create more memories, funny videos and mostly new friends.

I am so much more mature than back then, back then I'd listen to someone, do it and think nothing of it, I don't know how but in 7-8 months I've changed within my maturity and it's for the best and I would like to show everyone at perp that I'm different and I'm not the same egotistical immature kid I was back in September.

Additional Comment(s): Please just give some leniency towards me and give me my second and last chance.
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