Hello, everyone :)

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Just checking out the server.
Been around on gmod for a while and always heard about the server just never tried it out to be honest.
Until today, its been good so far, any tips on how to make good money??
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Ohio, United States of America
Welcome to the server. id say a good way is to be on the PD on a good day when we are confiscating a bunch of guns and drugs. You can make quick money that way but it does depend on the day. I do only do PD so this is the only way I make my money. lol
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Hey there, we'll there's alot of ways to make money on the server you can play as a cop,taxi driver,courier etc,but if you want to make good money like you've mentioned the best method for doing so is by growing drugs which also involves the risk of potentially losing them, thus if you were to grow drugs I'd suggest you to either grow them in the woods where you believe is out of sight and nobody will find you. or another good alternative is purchase an apartment at slums which is also pretty cheap and the benefits of basing there is that it's close to the PD and cops will be able to respond there faster than any other location in the map on most scenarios
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United Kingdom
Hi mate.

Welcome to PERP and I hope you enjoy yourself, PERP 100% has a lot to offer as a Roleplay Server, You are definitely in the right place, For the jobs, There is a absolute list of Legal jobs in which you can do which consist of:
  • Courier (Delivery Driver, You make deliveries across the map to NPC's and Real Players)
  • EMS (Medic, Self Explanatory, You are a Medic in which goes around healing members of the public and responding to 911 calls of injuries)
  • Roadcrew (You fix broken cars and semi-work for the government in meeting their needs of repairing and impounding criminal vehicles)
  • Police (Police officer, which you apply at PLPD.online)
  • Firefighter (Put out map made fires and fires made from real players like Car Bombs)
  • Taxi Driver (Drive real players around)
For the Illegal 'Jobs':
  • Cocaine: Cocaine is done with the exact same process as Weed (Other than the Seeds) (Sells for $150 Each)
  • Meth: Guide to Meth (Sells for $250 Each)
  • Weed: Weed is done by using Advanced Planters or Basic Planters in which you must purchase 12 Seeds (Advanced Planters) or 10 Seeds for Basic Planters, Then you grow and await the growing period, I would suggest getting to the "Seeding" part in which gives you 100+ Seeds and allows you to re-grow more than 3+ times meaning you don't need to waste any more money on seeds. (Sells for $150 Each)/
I would suggest all of the jobs above, PD, Roadcrew are my personal favourites and sometimes the Courier job when I'm just trying to chill , Meth is a tricky one, It takes extreme concentration as you need to be focusing on the degree's in order to not blow everything up and I find Meth pricey for what it is, I would very much recommend Cocaine if you are doing the illegal route.

For legal jobs, Just do whatever you feel like doing in the moment whether that's doing Taxi RP or Delivery RP etc! I wouldn't worry to much majorly about the money as jobs are mainly for the Roleplay Interaction and just come naturally, For example I played PD a whole day and made a hell of a lot of money without even realising or having the intention to go on as PD and make money.
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