Help with headset/mic

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I need a new headset, or headphones and seperate mic. Which do you prefer?

Any recommendations?
I want good quality and the budget is about 250 euro.

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My Headset is barely a dive into my pocket money and works brilliantly. If you don't care about the best quality around get something cheap mine is about £2 and lasts for about 3+ years. No-one has had an issue with my headset but if you do want the best quality possible you better get ready to empty your savings.
Obviously don't buy Razer, it's good technology put into a fucking plastic that's as strong as a bamboo stick, and it's overpriced.
Buying a good headphone (optional) with a separate microphone would be the best option here. There's lots of clip on microphones available.
I just bought an Antlion Modmic 4.0, I'll come and update this post how I feel about it.
Unless you do a lot of high quality video, you're better off getting a Headset with a microphon attachment. Seperate microphones are quite annoying because they take up a lot of desk space so really they're rather impractical.
Besides you can get a lot of good headsets eith microphones at affordable prices.

Sennheiser HD 8 DJ + Modmic 4.0

Whatever you do, DONT BUY A GAMING HEADSET, especially not Razer. Also, note that Alex is a scrub, don't listen to him about his headphones preferences.