Hey guys! Im the new german one... lol :o

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Yeah, so i joined a few days ago and got picked up and taught by the German Mafia.
My ingame Name is Myrothas McMillan... yap yap, you can keep it in your mind via "My rotten ass".

I want to say a few things I experienced on PH so far.

I love the cops for doing their RP so well, i get lost and sucked into the Story every time I log in.
I mean seriosly, this server is by far the most ambitious and serious i ever played on.
Screw GTA San Andreas and Altis Life, this right here is the shit you need, if you are into RP.
The server itself got coded so well, the bullet hit animation, weapons, map, expanding fires and cars... i cant believe it!

Since yesterday an Admin warned me for Fail RP and he was even ready to ban me, if the victim told him to do so...
Im pretty nervous. I dont want to lose this experience! I've read the rules like 3 times and always try to act as
real as possible though my english skills are not the best. The most important thing is, that i kept every word coming
out of the admins mouth in my mind forever. And no matter how annoying it is, to get stopped his car, or walk-blocked
by an admin - its for the good reason to keep this server and its RP serious and strict. No exceptions. I fully support this.
The Admins work seems to me like a full time job. They teleport and remind ppl like 10 per minute and always act friendly,
never yell at me and of course have valid reasons that I understand and agree after they told me. I can imagine, that someday
some admins ban guys, that want to play serious RP and did a little mistake - I mean, i dont want to point at the younger age,
but i feel like the majority of higher pitched voices use this method, to comprehend a possible loss or death in the gamem that
destroys more RP they can think they do with that: yelling failrp, metagaming and stuff instead of being friendly and RP is out,
so that it hints the "maybe totally miss-understood" situation. Well nevermind, this Post should not end in a discussion
or conplain. I just wanted to tell, that i hope that i wont get banned for a little problem i caused, because i really give my best.

I had so many funny experiences in only a few days, its unbelievable! Thats the reason why i became a VIP now
and will fully support this server, with streaming and telling everyone that is serious into RP about its glory.

Thank everyone of you, the cops. the firemen, the criminals, the citizens, the paramedics, the roadcrew
and of course the admins, mods and devs for letting me take part in this wonderful adventure!