Hey there!

Reaction score
Hello, I'm back from a long break from PERPHeads!
You obviously don't know me because I played the server once a twice on my old account, but this is my new account, on a new PC.
My real life name is Daragh, my in game name is Jonathon Good.
You may have seen me on my new account, I sure did see a lot of you guys, and it's really nice to meet you all, friendly (apart from in character xD) and nice guys to talk to.

Shout out to a couple of active people in game who are really awesome (these are character names);
Max Irish, Jessy Anderson and Deividas Luinys!
I also knew a few other nice people but couldn't remember your names, sorry ;(

Oh well, I hope to see you guys around!
Hmm, I don't know you? Wait, are you the halal meat protester? xD
[DOUBLEPOST=1451330505,1451330370][/DOUBLEPOST]Still don't know you. xD
[DOUBLEPOST=1451331250][/DOUBLEPOST]Guys, stop arguing ;( I actually thought I found my self a forum where no DarkRP kids are always arguing, so please don't make it one ;(
Hey Mat!
I think I know you from in game, are you SWAT a lot?
[DOUBLEPOST=1451331493,1451331459][/DOUBLEPOST]Lol it's fine ;)
Hey Tom!
I know you a bit from in game, I remember DNA Scanning you as a medic ;P