Hi i’m klas

Monolith's UM are all prats
Especially DevulCuck
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Welcome, don't mass rdm and you're fine.

800 hours?
I have 3380 on perp, most of us don't have a life here.
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Join the club dude, spent an entire summer on that server just to be perm’d for saying the n-word once lol, that community is a shithole and I think you’ll like your stay here
Yeah perp seems to take longer to level things up. i don’t RDM i got banned for suspected cheating. Kinda absurd
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Yeah that shit don't happen here, you'll be informed by staff when they suspect you of cheating, just follow what they say.
Hi klas, welcome to PERPHeads!

Staff here usually try to be helpful to newer players. We're also more lenient especially to newer players.

Most of us will try to explain certain rules as well as we can as our objective as Staff Members isn't to stop you from playing but mucher rather to help prevent players breaking the same rule twice. After all that makes our job easier too lmao

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay!
Never played monolith tbh, only heard bad things about it.

Welcome to PERP!
so from what i’m being told (because none of the staff members from mono bothered to tell me what was going on) i was banned for abusing a bug that I never abused and they called it “cheating software” to make me look bad, as i was being targeted by staff for a while.
Thank you thank you. Could you point me towards the rules section I can’t seem to find it. Coming from monolith i’m sure there’s some difference in rules.
Thanks for the welcomes everyone. I started growing some weed haha making some money i have a lot to learn coming from a different server.
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