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Hello guys I am Mancom,I came from a seriues CW HL2RP server and new to perp that seems a good gamemode,but I have some questions:Do you use /me´s ,use the definitions of powergame and metagame?.
Thanks and have a good day. :)
Hello Mancom37! Welcome to the PERPHeads community. We are a real serious RP perp server. I am Fred/Fred Belinsky in the game. You can use the /help chat on the server if you need help with anything! i can show you around the map too. (You need to use /me if you tie up people or gag them, like these things)

Welcome to the lovely Comunity, glad to have some new people here, see you ingame! :)
Hopefully i will see you ingame so we can start a small rp session :)
Oh hiya mate, welcome to the perpheads community! I might see you in the server some day ;)