Holiday Mental Health Issues

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Hello Everyone, It's that time of year again where the main holidays are coming around, People with Mental health issues struggle around this time of year. Just so you know you're not alone. Myself I struggle around this time of year Christmas isn't the same anymore. If you need someone to talk to speak to a loved one or a Friend who is always there for you! This will be the first Thanksgiving and Christmas without my grandfather, Just remember you are loved and always will be. Don't let your mind think you're alone and you're not. You are surrounded by the ones who love you!
I’m here for everyone and expect nothing in return.

whatever you do dont drown misery with baileys ( far too sickly)
>Implying any sort of Alcohol is a good idea in the worst of times.

I can fix this for you though!
whatever you do dont drown misery with Alcohol at all.

Abstinence of substances when you’re in a depressive episode is really important in staying who you are. With alcohol comes reduced logical thinking. Drowning your problems with alcohol in the long run is a terrible idea.

If you drown your sorrows in anything, be it alcohol or drugs, you will associate alcohol with feeling better, which brings you down a dark road, and before you realise it, you aren’t you anymore.

Being depressed gives many people manic, erratic swinging moods. Inhibition is already altered heavily in this state, and taking intoxicants robs you further of that inhibition. All it takes is one bad decision and your life’s over.

Alcohol is a vice. It is to be enjoyed, not relied upon for bringing about positive emotion or pacification. You start drinking because you’re not feeling yourself and next thing you know, you won’t be yourself. It can reduce someone going through a hard time to a blank, helpless addict. No one deserves to go through that.
Thank you for your words.
Daily routine and staying focused in your goals, not busy, heals the depressed mind.
Daily/weekly planning, waking up to sunlight every morning, making the bed, go for a walk, shower, etc...

From "Breaking Bad:"

One day, you wake up and realize that you haven't thought about it at all.​

Thanks Nova for bringing up this subject, it's perhaps the most important one in our community and I'm sorry about your grandfather.

Depression is a real thing, but it's not a state of being rather a temporary state of mind. I also see it as a good thing, in a sense your body is providing you information that the current conditions you live in are not sustainable in the long-term. Perhaps you are simply missing out on sunshine or a lack of good sleep, maybe it is something deeper such as a bad relationship or not enough social connections. When you put your hand on a hot stove, the pain is only meant to convey information, that "lack" which is at the base of depression should NEVER be ignored, your body is ALWAYS right.

If you are in that temporary state, do not feel shame, reach out to right person to share your problems. My DMs are always open if anybody needs to talk.
Hi everyone, I think this is a really important post and you've done a great job in highlighing a common issue, and people don't talk about mental health enough, especially gamers. I'm going to share my emotions Nova, as you have done so, and invite other people to do so in this thread. If you're struggling this holiday period, share your emotions here, not for advice but just to get them off your chest and know you're not burdening it alone.

For me, this is my first christmas alone without my family. I am visiting my family now, in November, but will not be able to see them over the holiday period. It's not easy, and I'm not looking forward to spending the month of December alone in a foreign country, but it's nice to know I have multiple communities to be a part of around this time, and with how welcoming and positive this community has been, it's a joy to be able to share my emotions here and I hope that me talking about this helps someone else feel that they are not alone.

If anyone out there is feeling down, or is even just feeling like they want to talk about something, I am always here and I will always listen and give a space for you to vent. I do not expect anything in return for this, it is human decency. As others have mentioned, it's important to handle your emotions well and keep on track with how you're feeling, or you'll end up losing yourself. Have a great holiday period everyone, and a really difficult but important topic to bring up Nova. Thank you.
I’m here for everyone and expect nothing in return.

>Implying any sort of Alcohol is a good idea in the worst of times.

I can fix this for you though!

Abstinence of substances when you’re in a depressive episode is really important in staying who you are. With alcohol comes reduced logical thinking. Drowning your problems with alcohol in the long run is a terrible idea.

If you drown your sorrows in anything, be it alcohol or drugs, you will associate alcohol with feeling better, which brings you down a dark road, and before you realise it, you aren’t you anymore.

Being depressed gives many people manic, erratic swinging moods. Inhibition is already altered heavily in this state, and taking intoxicants robs you further of that inhibition. All it takes is one bad decision and your life’s over.

Alcohol is a vice. It is to be enjoyed, not relied upon for bringing about positive emotion or pacification. You start drinking because you’re not feeling yourself and next thing you know, you won’t be yourself. It can reduce someone going through a hard time to a blank, helpless addict. No one deserves to go through that.
addiction is very hard , for me its the boredom without it , trainspotting summarises it perfectly
Hello Everyone, It's that time of year again where the main holidays are coming around, People with Mental health issues struggle around this time of year. Just so you know you're not alone. Myself I struggle around this time of year Christmas isn't the same anymore. If you need someone to talk to speak to a loved one or a Friend who is always there for you! This will be the first Thanksgiving and Christmas without my grandfather, Just remember you are loved and always will be. Don't let your mind think you're alone and you're not. You are surrounded by the ones who love you!
Of course
addiction is very hard , for me its the boredom without it , trainspotting summarises it perfectly
Trainspotting is one hell of a comparison to make dude, get some help if it's that serious. I highly doubt you've got an addiction to alcohol because your only reason to drink it is out of boredom, but who am I to say that? You gotta find some real hobbies and not just have it evolve around drinking, that's a recipe for disaster.
I have been in pain for almost two years. For six months of those two years, it was debilitating pain for nine hours every day. The effect it has on the mind is not often talked about, especially with conditions that are considered taboo or that are difficult for those who have not experienced them to understand or empathize with. I sometimes recover enough to feel blessed that things are not worse than they are, only to be dragged back into the mud. I envy healthy people as they live their merry lives with no consideration for their health or general wellbeing. Health is like a person close to you, like a parent. Seeing people mistreat their own, it angers me knowing they do not value something that one day they will be lost without. Part of me is grateful that I have been forced to learn this lesson now, as I can experience life through an adjusted lense, rather than piss away the days as if life is and always will be easy.

My point was a motivating one that promotes those struggling with a burden to not give up and continue persevering instead of just giving up and saying "no this burden is too much,"
There are people who subjectively feel hopeless but if they endure they will pass the hardship inevitably without suicide, then there are those who can't be blamed because they are not mentally in control of themselves and unfortunately they end up passing.

I think you simply misunderstood what I am saying. All and all, I don't think it's good we debate here but the "irreverent," comment forced me to clear things up.
I don't think the comment was about your intent but about how the message came across. While perseverance sure is important, saying that hardships can always be overcome risks oversimplifying the realities of real mental health struggles.

These issues are complex and framing them this way can unintentionally invalidate those who feel hopeless or alone in this. The point of the post was to encourage reflection and give light to mental health on a all time high-season, not to start a debate.

If anyone is struggling; I’ve been in your shoes, and I understand how hard it can be. Don’t hesitate to reach out. My DM's are always open.
I don't wanna be one of the pick urself by the bootstrap people, but it you really struggle one thing i reccomend trying trying is a fix sleep scedule

I know it sound stupid, but too little and irregular sleep has extreme effect on stress hormones and stuff makes a huge impact on how u feel throughout the day and ur ability to better ur mood.

It may not fix things, but can totally make it much much worse if u dont sleep normal
I just wanna say Thank you everyone for expressing their thoughts on here. Just remember we are one community and we are here for each other. I been struggling with depression since I was 13. The last 2 years have horrible for me. I cut some people off of my life that made my life worse and I been feeling better ever since. I appreciate everyone who commented and felt comfortable enough to say what's on your minds! <3 :cool:
It's Christmas Eve Everyone, I hope you are doing alright. Just remember you are not alone. Please please if you need anyone please reach out to anyone who cares. Merry Christmas everyone and stay safe! <3