Home Security Department

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Home Security Department

"Where your security is our number one priority"

Who are we?

The Home Security Department is an organisation that is putting our lives at risk for your safety.
We can be personally hired for when situations get pretty tough, for example being raided.
We put your lives first once we have been hired as we are the next generation of security and we
believe we have what it takes to become a successful security organisation. Also, we are a very
sophisticated and a determined team, if we don't get the job done then you get your money back
110% guarenteed. Our job is to also sell guns to benefit you and your safety, ensuring that your life isnot at risk if you get raided without a gun.

Our services / plans

(After we have assisted you once your plan will expire, whether the time has run out or not)
(All times are OOC, so a 6 hour plan is 6 hours in real life)

Assist in defending your property, low gun fire: $5000 (6 hours) $10000 (12 hours) $20000 (24 hours)

Assist in defending your property, heavy gun fire: $10000 (6 hours) $20000 (12 hours) $40000 (24 hours)

Please privately contact us for any further assistance that you may need and we can discuss the prices.

Placing a hit on another individual with an extremely valid reason: $25000

Our range of guns for sale

(All fully loaded)

Beretta M9: $3500
Glock 20: $3500
Desert Eagle: $5000
Colt M1911: $4000
AK-47: $14000 (Sold out)
Barret M82: $100000 (Sold out)
M24: $75000 (Sold out)

Our shop district

Our shop is currently located in the bazaar district. We thought setting up a shop at bazaar would attract many customers as it is a popular place and if we were to locate our shop at the business shops or puffer mart, it is a possibility we may get less customers, even if we were to loose a customer that would of paid $25000 for something, we need business no matter the price as our job is keeping you safe, that's all we want to do.

Ranking system

Jonathan Good

Emil Blade

Chief of security:


Officer of security: Lewii Rodriguez


Trial Recruit:

Suppliers [NEW]

Supplier Director:

Chief supplier:





We do not plan on making enemies, our only intention is to do business
not go to war. If you would like to ally with us and you're a company director/leader
then make an ally request either here or tooter: @JonathanGood

(Click the hyperlink)


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You should make different departments for each job, Like

Security Team:

Security Director
Security Supplier
** Organisation Update **

Hello everyone, this is my second organisation that i have founded so far that has done okay in the beginning. Some previous organisations that I have owned went down the pan straight away. Since this one has gone okay, the organisation is now official and NOT a fluke. So here is quite a big update to the organisation, mainly for the staff team.

New features:
  • New supplier department, including the following new ranks: Supplier Director, Chief Supplier and Supplier. Currently under development and testing, the ranks are not final yet.​
  • New/edited ranks: Chief of security and General.​
  • We now sell full/empty magazines for relatively cheap prices. Prices may vary due to the sales tax for crafting the magazines.​


Jeff Luis - Kicked from the organisation. (Betraying our organisation)
Noel Stone - Kicked from the organisation. (Betraying our organisation)
Matty Kanye - Left the organisation to go with betrayers. (Left on own accord)
Jesper Star - Left the organisation. (Left on own accord)
Steve Brown - Kicked from the organisation. (Being in-active. Was given a days notice to be more active)


Lewii Rodriguez - Joined the organisation / asked to join.
Emil Blade - Joined the organisation / invited to join.
Emil Blade - Promoted to Co-Boss / long time friend.
Lewii Rodriguez - Promoted to Officer of security / promoted for good work.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the organisation and for giving suggestions and feedback.
Also thank you to Frank for the suggestion of adding suppliers / they have now been added.

If you have feedback or a suggestion for the organisation then don't be afraid to leave them whether it's criticism or not.


Kind Regards,
Jonathan Good.

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