How 2 Gunpoint

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It seems that many people on the server do not currently understand what classifies as being held at gunpoint. Being held at gunpoint means that you are close range and are actively aiming at the person being held captive.

  • If you move away from whoever you are holding at gunpoint such that your view of them is blocked they are no longer at gunpoint and can run or draw a weapon of their own.
  • If you look away and your back is turned for period of time long enough that the captive(s) could get away or take out a weapon then they may do so.
  • If you take someone at gunpoint near a corner where they could reasonable run around said corner and flee or defend him/her self they may do so.


As shown in the above picture "Hugh" has a clear chance to get to cover behind the corner and draw a weapon to defend himself or outright run off. However, in the below picture there is no valid reason, other than "Fucking" fully knowing that "Fredy" is going to kill him, that "Fucking" can flee either to safety to get a gun out or until he has escaped.


In addition, once shots have been fired everything about being held at gunpoint goes out the window. If you start shooting someone it is perfectly valid for them to run away or return fire. For example if you have just shot someone’s car to disable it and they are forced out they can run away or start shooting back unless they have no reasonable chance of escape.
I did acually not know the first one thanks, For telling me! This is very much going to help people who just started!
Mayun, why didn't you make this before. Would've helped alot of people. Anyways, good on you for making it now. Keep on, Trashdick.
Finally this is what we needed rather than people making ban requests because someone hid behind a corner under gun point then killed him
Good post my lad. This'll help a bunch of people in the future, that's for sure!