How to correctly and efficiently use the /advert function.

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In this thread, I shall explain how to correctly use the function within the server.

Firstly, what's an advertisement?

a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy.
"advertisements for alcoholic drinks"

What can I use an advertisement for?
  • Telling everyone about your business (e.g Bazaar shop 2 is selling guns! Cheap!!)
  • Requesting more jobs from the mayor. (would recommend using the phone function to communicate to the mayor more directly)
  • Making up news stories to tell everyone about an event that's happening. (e.g [PLN]The bridge is currently blocked off due to an accident)
How do I make an advert?
Simply type /advert along with your message.

Is it free?
No, the Paralake Advertising Agencies charge $200 for every advertisement.

How do I make a good advertisement?

Make your advertisement as detailed yet easy to understand as possible. If you're a shop owner and you made an advert that says "Selling guns" it's absolutely daft. Why? No one knows where you're selling guns at. Make your advertisement more detailed. A better advert would be "Selling a variety of firearms at the Bazaar shop 2, cheap weapons and deals!". This will most certainly appeal to your potential customers as it states where you are, the weapons will not be costly, and they know where to find you!

How not to use the function:
  • To request an admin, state someone's fail RPing, RDM, slander, etc. These are all OOC matter. Use /report for this.
  • anything on the lines of "The mayor is a dickhead" or anything vulgar. If you're going to state he's a bad guy, explain why you think that.

That's about it really. Have fun!
Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
/advert mug drop 5k or die, running off is failrp
/advert mug drop 5k or die, running off is failrp
/advert mug drop 5k or die, running off is failrp
/advert mug drop 5k or die, running off is failrp

Money well spent.

Good guide, uncle George.
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