Hey guys, today I'm going to explain to everyone viewing this thread how to get a players OOC name while watching the demo.
First of all, I got told this from Bolli as he helped me find this method so I can report players easily. The only thing with this method that I would not advise is that you record if with the lua script on.
First of all, you need to find an Simple ESP script. They are not hard to find, all you do is simply type "Garry's Mod ESP script". After you have downloaded the script, it should turn out as a .lua file. You should place this in your lua folder in Garry's mod dictionary.
Now all you do is load the demo, and open the console. Type in the console 'lua_openscript_cl name of file.lua' After this has loaded you can now see all players OOC name's as well as SteamID's. I will get a ESP and upload it tomorrow as currently I am on my phone.
I wouldn't advise to try use this on the server, unless you want a ban then sure.
ESP LINK: https://puu.sh/sGp5a/0d2b9f297c.lua
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