- Staff
- #1
I am making this guide for new players on the server which do not know how to properly report someone who they think broke the server rules.
There is an outdated version made by @Ash which I will be updating now.
Credits to @Ash for most of the parts in this thread.
There is an outdated version made by @Ash which I will be updating now.
Credits to @Ash for most of the parts in this thread.
Reporting a rulebreaker
Many people make reports everyday, however only about 30% of reports are done correctly. When you make a report this helps us out a lot, however many reports are pathetic and does not give us a view of the situation at all. This guide is going to show how to successfully report a rule breaker.
I saw someone break a rule, now what?
If you see a player break the Server Rules first thing you should do is remember his OOC name (Steam Name) and/or IC Name (Roleplay name; John Doe for example).
Make a report.
When you got their names in your head you should press F6 (Can be binded to something else in the options menu by pressing F1) on your keyboard. A menu will pop up which should look like this.
Now click 'create' which you can find in the top right cornor.
This should pop up.
Now find out which rules he broke, you can find the Server Rules HERE or simply press F1 while in-game.
Once you've found out what rules the player broke type his name into the box and explain what happened by using the rules and what you saw. Then press 'Send Report'.
It should look something like this, I took rule 3.4 and 3.6 as an example.
Once you've made the report you can exit the menu and continue with whatever you were doing until a Staff Member responds to you report.
This might take a while, the most important key is to have patience.
Staff Members Roleplay aswell, they volunteer to do this. They are not forced to do this.
If there are no Staff Members online wait for them to come online or make an Action Request which I will explain how to later in this guide.
Bad reports
There are a lot of ways to make a bad report. I've made 1 example with a screenshot.
Bad examples are using the word FailRP and FearRP.
Avoid using these as they are widely opened terms , try to be specific in what you are saying.
More bad examples
[Report] Admin to me!!!!
[Report] Need help quick !!!
[Report] I am stuck at spawn!!
[Report] Help
[Report] What is the website?
[Report] 3.4
What if I have a problem that is "non-reportable"
Type /help in the chat and then type your problem you're having.
There should be a fast response as the whole server can see this and help you out. If no one respond just keep asking until they do. There is a cooldown on /help though.
Note: Do not abuse the /help chat. (No more OOC Messages left, do not use /help).
No one responded to my report, now what?
You should make an Action Request on the player who you believe broke rules.
Go to the Administration section of the forums and click Action Requests which can be found HERE.
First you should go to THIS thread and follow the guide on how to get your demo for the report you are making.
Now you should copy the template which can be found
Now go back to the action request section and click "Post New Thread". This will redirect you to this
Now paste the template you copied earlier and start filling in the information asked.
Create the thread after filling everything in and wait for a Staff Member to respond to your Action Request and you'll see if it got accepted or denied. If it got accepted the user will be warned or banned and if it got denied no action will be taken.
That's it!
You now know how to properly report a player that broke rules!
If you have any more questions feel free to reply, I will try to help you as soon as possible.
Many people make reports everyday, however only about 30% of reports are done correctly. When you make a report this helps us out a lot, however many reports are pathetic and does not give us a view of the situation at all. This guide is going to show how to successfully report a rule breaker.
I saw someone break a rule, now what?
If you see a player break the Server Rules first thing you should do is remember his OOC name (Steam Name) and/or IC Name (Roleplay name; John Doe for example).
Make a report.
When you got their names in your head you should press F6 (Can be binded to something else in the options menu by pressing F1) on your keyboard. A menu will pop up which should look like this.

This should pop up.

Now find out which rules he broke, you can find the Server Rules HERE or simply press F1 while in-game.
Once you've found out what rules the player broke type his name into the box and explain what happened by using the rules and what you saw. Then press 'Send Report'.
It should look something like this, I took rule 3.4 and 3.6 as an example.

Once you've made the report you can exit the menu and continue with whatever you were doing until a Staff Member responds to you report.
This might take a while, the most important key is to have patience.
Staff Members Roleplay aswell, they volunteer to do this. They are not forced to do this.
If there are no Staff Members online wait for them to come online or make an Action Request which I will explain how to later in this guide.
Bad reports
There are a lot of ways to make a bad report. I've made 1 example with a screenshot.

Bad examples are using the word FailRP and FearRP.
Avoid using these as they are widely opened terms , try to be specific in what you are saying.
More bad examples
[Report] Admin to me!!!!
[Report] Need help quick !!!
[Report] I am stuck at spawn!!
[Report] Help
[Report] What is the website?
[Report] 3.4
What if I have a problem that is "non-reportable"
Type /help in the chat and then type your problem you're having.

There should be a fast response as the whole server can see this and help you out. If no one respond just keep asking until they do. There is a cooldown on /help though.
Note: Do not abuse the /help chat. (No more OOC Messages left, do not use /help).
No one responded to my report, now what?
You should make an Action Request on the player who you believe broke rules.
Go to the Administration section of the forums and click Action Requests which can be found HERE.
First you should go to THIS thread and follow the guide on how to get your demo for the report you are making.
Now you should copy the template which can be found
Your Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Evidence (Demo Required):
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Evidence (Demo Required):
Now go back to the action request section and click "Post New Thread". This will redirect you to this

Now paste the template you copied earlier and start filling in the information asked.
Create the thread after filling everything in and wait for a Staff Member to respond to your Action Request and you'll see if it got accepted or denied. If it got accepted the user will be warned or banned and if it got denied no action will be taken.
That's it!
You now know how to properly report a player that broke rules!
If you have any more questions feel free to reply, I will try to help you as soon as possible.