How to: Survive and not get banned after a shootout

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Step 1. Run away and hide, don't go out until you HAVE to.
Step 2. Don't go with your own car to the location you wish to hide at, Stash it atleast 4000 units away (approx Slums parking to Bolli's Testicle parking)
Step 3. Don't hide at highly populated areas such as Bazaar.
Step 4. Don't shoot as soon as you see cops, rather hand yourself in if you're the one they're asking for (this will stop you and your friends getting raided by cops again)
Step 5. Stop looking for more adrenaline rushes or whatever it is you get from raids that keeps you from doing stupid shit causing them

How not to get banned after shootout:

1. Walk into petrol station in USA
2. Free gun with any purchase
3. "No Russian" your school mates the next day.
4. There you go you're not banned.
5. Repeat
Step 1. Run away and hide, don't go out until you HAVE to.
Hiding doesn't always work when 16 people work together to find you across a map that never changes. Besides... do you know how boring it is waiting in the back of a bazaar shop for 1h because a cop is watching a video on the TV in front of your shop....

Step 2. Don't go with your own car to the location you wish to hide at, Stash it atleast 4000 units away (approx Slums parking to Bolli's Testicle parking)
As much as you'd like this to be true. As soon as police see the car they'll search every area nearby.

Step 3. Don't hide at highly populated areas such as Bazaar.
Agreed, but you can't expect players to hide the entire day of playing... Like really....
Step 4. Don't shoot as soon as you see cops, rather hand yourself in if you're the one they're asking for (this will stop you and your friends getting raided by cops again)
I don't get this point... Basically because people actually want to shoot cops and get into defending against them they should be banned/punished? Whatever suits you best. As long as you don't run around like an idiot screaming arrest me, you should be good even if hiding in your own property.
Step 5. Stop looking for more adrenaline rushes or whatever it is you get from raids that keeps you from doing stupid shit causing them
So stop raiding in total.. Sound about right...

This post should rather be titled how to survive a shootout. If this is what players get banned for... it's just petty. As long as they don't go around screaming arrest me, it should be all fine.
Hiding doesn't always work when 16 people work together to find you across a map that never changes. Besides... do you know how boring it is waiting in the back of a bazaar shop for 1h because a cop is watching a video on the TV in front of your shop....

As much as you'd like this to be true. As soon as police see the car they'll search every area nearby.

Agreed, but you can't expect players to hide the entire day of playing... Like really....

I don't get this point... Basically because people actually want to shoot cops and get into defending against them they should be banned/punished? Whatever suits you best. As long as you don't run around like an idiot screaming arrest me, you should be good even if hiding in your own property.

So stop raiding in total.. Sound about right...

This post should rather be titled how to survive a shootout. If this is what players get banned for... it's just petty. As long as they don't go around screaming arrest me, it should be all fine.
1. Maybe you shouldn't start a shootout then if you have that much ADHD

2. Then hide it across the map

3. Hand yourself in

4. What I'm saying is if you're in a base; you shouldn't start a shootout and make everyone wanted, you should instead hand yourself in if you're one of like 10 people who are wanted, even like 3 of 10.

5. No, this is a guide on how to NOT get banned AFTER a shootout, what I then mean is NOT go ahead and SHOOT after you've ESCAPED the COPS once.
1. Maybe you shouldn't start a shootout then if you have that much ADHD

2. Then hide it across the map

3. Hand yourself in

4. What I'm saying is if you're in a base; you shouldn't start a shootout and make everyone wanted, you should instead hand yourself in if you're one of like 10 people who are wanted, even like 3 of 10.

5. No, this is a guide on how to NOT get banned AFTER a shootout, what I then mean is NOT go ahead and SHOOT after you've ESCAPED the COPS once.
But this shouldn't be a thing to be banned for. This is banning people for not knowing all these things or doing things differently. The freedom of thinking if you ban them for not handing themselves in, not hiding by leaving a car 1000m away etc. is just pure stupidity.
But this shouldn't be a thing to be banned for. This is banning people for not knowing all these things or doing things differently. The freedom of thinking if you ban them for not handing themselves in, not hiding by leaving a car 1000m away etc. is just pure stupidity.

This post is literally the simpliest thing to follow ever, it's literally following rule 3.4.
People who care about their friends drugs instead of starting a shootout that will end up in people crying about their drugs going lul

Shootouts are much more fun, who the fuck cares for about 30k of drugs lmao.
This is the problem with perp, this is the problem with our players. You start shootouts because its fun not because it's necessary, you shouldn't shoot unless you have to.

But then that's just you being boring as fuck, I don't mean shootouts for the sake of it, you have a reason so you do it. I'm not going to be stuck in my apartment all day you get the thrill of shooting cops.
Yes, but following 3.4 is also standing still in front of PD not doing anything besides talking to people.
No, following rule 3.4 is growing drugs, roleplaying, interacting with people. Actually doing what you're supposed to do on a roleplaying server. If you shoot everywhere what are you roleplaying? Seriously
No, following rule 3.4 is growing drugs, roleplaying, interacting with people. Actually doing what you're supposed to do on a roleplaying server. If you shoot everywhere what are you roleplaying? Seriously
Oh look a plant, oh hi <>.

Why the heck would you play a game to socialize as a main thing. Why would you not go play VRChat then or even better REALLIFE.exe. If you wanna grow a plant, go get a plant irl and you can talk to it when you're lonely.
Oh look a plant, oh hi <>.

Why the heck would you play a game to socialize as a main thing. Why would you not go play VRChat then or even better REALLIFE.exe. If you wanna grow a plant, go get a plant irl and you can talk to it when you're lonely.
That's just like saying why would you play a game and shoot people when you can do it in real life?
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