How to be senior officer for dummies.

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Senior officer is an interesting position in the PD, in the sense that half the people who don't have a rank yet want it, yet everyone with a rank looks down on it.

Before I begin, here's the perks of becoming a senior officer:

- Access to a nicer dodge cruiser (if you're VIP)
- The first step in progressing in the PD
- Access to a more powerful handgun, the P99
- The ability to partake in TFU application cycles
- The ability to set remarks on peoples criminal records
- Access to the Taser.
To begin your progress to senior officer, the first step is:
Register on
Click here to apply. Officers without accounts are not eligible for the rank of senior officer.
Play cop for a decent amount of time:
Try and gain as much experience and knowledge in the PD and how it works and operates. Try and involve yourself in investigations and develop some leadership skills.

Patrol with people who are corporal +:
Most corporals will have fair knowledge in the PD, and should take up the opportunity to help out there lower ranking colleagues as much as possible. These people should help you. Learn from them, and show that you are capable.

Once you meet the requirements, apply!:
Senior officer is now an applied role, meaning you will apply for it and the command team will decide to promote you or not.

What to remember when making your senior officer application:
- Not a lot is expected from senior officers so don't stress too much about it.
- Your job as a police officer is primarily to enforce the law, and maintain public safety and order. It is important that you demonstrate this in your answers.
- Public safety, and prevention of crime, are core foundations of the PD, make sure your answers take this into account.
- A deadly weapon is capable of causing fatal injury to someone, and as such, if someone is brandishing these weapons, they are a risk to the public. I'm not saying shoot any armed person you ever see, but in situations where lives are genuinely in danger, don't be afraid to resort to violence to stop violence.
- Its always better to try and reason with suspects before resorting to any form of force. In situations where anyone is in danger that isn't the suspect however, force is 100% necessary.
- Never try to engage a wanted or dangerous suspect alone. Don't act without radioing in for backup beforehand. Safety in numbers is a primary tactic in the PLPD for ensuring safe and successful operations.
- Sometimes, as a pistol cop, you will have to man a perimeter. Its better you man a cordon sometimes than it is to try taking on the suspects with just your pistol. The best places to set perimeters are areas which you are able to completely block off. Make sure you also block off a civilian route. Man the perimeter and only allow authorised government vehicles to pass.
- A crime is a crime, regardless of it having victims. Even a mutually agreed to fight should be broken up for the sake of public safety.

I got senior officer! What now?
If you're comfortable with your rank, stick with it. If you want to progress further, then again, work on your policing skills and patrol with corporal+'s to get those observation reports racked up!

As a senior officer, you will be able to join TFU too. TFU is arguably the best route to go down in regards to gaining experience in the PD. However, remember that TFO's are put into positions at times where the wrong action makes all the difference in how a situation plays out and certain situations being handled wrong or poorly can lead to disciplinary action. But if you do everything right, then I guess go for it!

I hope these tips help you on your way to senior officer!​
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