How to write an AR and the procedures

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Dubai, UAE
Action requests are the best way to get your reports done when there are no staff on the server or you need more time to make a report IG. Knowing how to write them and what needs to be included for staff to make a quick decision so you can get back to power growing or getting your items refunded quicker is essential, and knowing the following steps will make writing them much faster and easier.

What is needed:
  1. A video showing the incident in its entirety. Videos that are submitted which appear to start during the incident are often not accepted, and you would be requested to submit another video. This can be a pain for the reporter as you would have to go through your demo and re-clip.
  2. The steam name, steamID and roleplay name of you and the person you are reporting. If you cannot find all this information, you can post what you know, and a staff member will fill in the blanks. If you do not know who you are reporting, we will try to find the rule-breaker in the logs.
  3. A detailed description of the events. You would need to write a detailed description of the event, including names of witnesses (if any), the rules you believe they broke and ideally, the time of the incident to help make the logs look up quicker and more accurate.

The process from a staff member's POV:
  • A staff member will read your AR and review the evidence provided to see if there is enough to build a case.
  • If there is enough evidence, the person being reported will be contacted to give a statement if there are questions about the report.
  • A deadline will be set for all responses to be given. It is up to the staff member's discretion to extend this. Failure to respond will result in the staff member going off what has been said in the report.
  • A judgement will be reached, and a description of the rules broken and the punishments issued will be made.

  • Posting demos increases the time it takes to get ARs sorted and gives staff a full-hour insight into your actions. If staff notice you have broken the rules, this will be dealt with separately, so it is best to use video recording software like the one mentioned below.
  • Get everything you want to say out in the report to avoid a long drawn out process to replying to every comment so you can just come back before the deadline and respond to counter arguments in one go.
  • If you are unsure if you have enough information to make a AR ask staff, we're always active on discord so drop us a DM.

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