Human Drug Transporter

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Description of the idea: To add extra spice to the drug dealing business, what if you can work as a dealer yourself? You'd go to the dealer and ask if you can work for him (1 slot at a time), you are able to show up to people's houses, take their drugs and transport them to the dealer for them and receive a fee for the trouble ($5000 or a varying amount depending on the amount and type of drugs transported). Obviously, you'd have to be aware of the cops as that is your job risk factor. The drugs you receive from the people are placed in a package which you transport with a vehicle of choice. The money given to the people is server-side and is not taken from the player's pocket however the player giving the drugs to the transported will be charged for the job. If the cops find this package they can confiscate it and you will be charged with whatever crimes you commit. After that, your job is lost with the dealer and you cannot do it again for another 12 hours (To give other players time to try out the job and to balance it). The dealer sends your number out to whoever receives regular dealer location updates and that is how you contact the human drug transporter. The drug package cannot be dropped or mugged by any players. With the human transporter, more than 500 drugs can be transported at once as multiple packages.

Why should this be added? (pros): It expands the possibilities in the drug world and can add a new spice to the server that people can really enjoy. It can also be really convenient for those who have a large number of drugs that need to be transported and sold.

What negatives could this have? (cons): It will take a long time to code as it is a complex idea. If not balanced right, it may be unrealistic or overpowered.
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Well i have one big question, if the drugs do gets confiscated who loses then? The drug courrier or the guy who gave the drugs to the courier? Cause i feel like if the courier will have to pay for it it's not worth it being a courier and if the person who gave the drugs loses it, i don't think people will use the courier at all.

Don't get me wrong overall i think it's a good idea, but sadly i don't think this will work on the server
The courier won't lose anything except the transport fee that he would have taken from the dealer. The chance of this person losing the packages isn't very big if they give no reason for the cops to search him/her just as if you were transporting your own drugs.
people will then just kill de courier for losing their drugs, which will probably result in more toxicity on the server, therefore i can't support this idea.
@curak If you had read what I have suggested, you would have seen that the person selling the drugs gets the money from the transporter right away but it would be server-side funds and not from the transporter themselves. After that, the drugs become the property of the transporter and it is their responsibility to transport the drugs to the dealer for a pay. You might say this is overpowered but as I mentioned the seller loses a decided upon chunk of the money from the amount they would have received had they have gone to the dealer themselves. It's a fee for using the transporter services that goes to the server. The transporter only receives money from the dealer NPC once the drugs have been transported based upon the type and amount of drugs transported.
@Travis no need to attack me here i've read your suggestion, but apparantly i misunderstood it partly. So you would suggest the Coke grower gets his money as soon as he hands it over to the courrier? And the courrier then gets a fee from the dealer when delivering the package?
This just takes the risk out of dealing drugs. Being a courier for another player with a system implemented would be incredibly difficult to implement and completely unnecessary.
so basically londonrp?

“who you shottin for fam?”
If anything, the risk factor of growing drugs could be increased. Besides this is an optional thing to utilize and won't be the standard way of transporting drugs.
i reckon the police should have to have suspicion beyond a reasonable doubt before they can search mail otherwise they will just search anything
Does this mean that police officers can put their fingers up a suspects bum without 2.8 being a factor?

This idea is something you could do easily yourself without in game functions should someone trust you to do so. As it stands having Amazon prime for power growers seems like a bad idea and the punishment for using the NPC to sell drugs rather than RPing them is the risk of being mugged.

Nothing stops players from being their own dealers though.