Hunting Near The Lake or Hicktown in Parklake

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Zagreb, Croatia
Short explanation (In notes)
- we should be able to go hunting in PERP Parklake city
- we should add an NPC that allowes you to buy a hunting rifle, hunting licence and maybe even tents to hunt deer, rabbit .....
- The hunting licence shouldn't be too expensive (around 500$) , maybe even on a limit like in real life. You would be able to hunt, say deer and buy the licence for the gun and hunting that would last for a copule of weeks (In real life)
- the hunting rifle cost would be open for further discussion, and the ammo for it (one cartrige) will be open for discussion of the price aswell.
- when hunting animals and getting some kills the user should gain XP to a category that will be discussed if the idea is supported and accepted
- when killing an animal you should be able to harvest it and sell it to the Hunter NPC that I mentioned previously
- if hunting deer is added to the game it should sell for around 500$ or more depending on the weight (this could be calculated at the NPC) or you could just make food out of it
- the hunters/campers should be able to craft campfires and gain crafting XP (thanks for suggestion DilanTheScrub!)
- players should be able to buy tents and set them up in the forest

Detailed description (why should it become added/...) Getting firearm skills if you don't want to get in trobule with the fuzz is difficult. You have to get expensive material and crafting weapons that are good in-game takes time. If we add hunting to the game it would make it easy to get some fast firearms skills (not to excessivley though) and it would add to the realism of buying a hunting rifle and using it in the woods legaly. The hunters could also get some easy legal cash as civs. Nothing better that getting your friends to the woods, setting up a camp and hunting some deer!

If you like this idea, make sure to +Support it! If theres a thread about this allready in the forums keep in mind that it wasnt on purpouse or because of lazyness (I've actually looked for a thread simular than this)!
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The idea of hunting and animals seems really amazing but there are just a few things that are not realistic:
-The weapon:
We got M14 battle rifles which seems to be the gun to be hunting.
-firearm level:
This firearm level is based on crafting and not on shooting so why in Earth would you ever get higher in level?!
-the costs of hunting:
Any normal gun already costs more so why would this be less expensive as it would upgrade your firearm level without spending money on it on higher level.

The idea of hunting and animals seems really amazing but there are just a few things that are not realistic:
-The weapon:
We got M14 battle rifles which seems to be the gun to be hunting.
-firearm level:
This firearm level is based on crafting and not on shooting so why in Earth would you ever get higher in level?!
-the costs of hunting:
Any normal gun already costs more so why would this be less expensive as it would upgrade your firearm level without spending money on it on higher level.

yeah maybe the higher level is a bad idea XD. But I think we should have a cheaper alternative to the battle rifle, like a bolt action hunting rifle! That is why I would like for it to cost like 8k or more not 1600$ thats too cheap. The battle rifle by itself is preety costy. Thanks for replying mate!
This is an ok idea, but think technically this would make the server spawn a load of NPC's and lag clients even more. Aswell as lagging the server, it's the Source Engine, made for small-ish maps and a few NPCS. It would lag the server to a massive extent and take a hit on players FPS. Also developers would have to make the NPCS (And I am pretty sure NPCS wont work well with the forests NavMesh.)
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Yeah, you are right TheVin. But if we make the NPC deers not so easy to find (4 deer spawn in and after all of them get killed they respawn at random locations) and if we make the deer ragdolls dissapear around 1 minute after getting killed it would minimise the lag. There is an ArmA 3 community that uses this method of removing ragdolls to minimise lag. After you shot a goat on a ArmA 3 Life rp server you would have 30 seconds to a minute before the body despawns. If a hunter goes into the woods and kills a deer from 15 meters or so he would run fast to the body to harvest it. Thanks for replying!
+Support I, personally, find this a good idea, as I've been RPing as a hunter and wandering the woods with a remmie (because battle rifles suck amirite) and constantly get ticketed and have my weapon taken away for "law 6.3 m8", so I think this would be a nice addition.
The NPC thing probably isn't possible, though, so what if players could become the animals instead? I don't know.
Also, I think that you should be able to bring your crafting levels up by crafting campfires while hunting, which would take wooden planks and a lighter (If they add them)
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+support Hunting RP sounds interesting and the game Identity is also going to have something like this, I think it'd add a whole new layer of RP to the server in the line of marketing and passive rp in general
No. Just, No. -Support

I shall explain:
  1. The cheapest weapon to make at the moment is the OTS-33 Pernach, it fires Pistol ammo. It costs about $1700 on 0% taxes, (don't quote me on this) Adding any long range firearm for that amount of money would completely break the weapon meta, as it would make almost all the other snipers useless, as nobody would craft them, as they can just get this hunting rifle instead.
  2. It would be near impossible to programme believable NPC's as game, not to mention the amount of server processing it would take to do this. And the ping and FPS during peak hour is bad enough.
  3. It would be incredibly difficult to add a hunting rifle model that fits the theme of the weapons we have at the moment.
  4. There's a reason you can't buy long guns from NPCs, as every Sweater ever would just go in, buy a hunting rifle, then get arrested for open carry.
  5. It's just overkill, I like the idea of another legal way of making money, but this is just far too ambitious, this is Garry's Mod, remember?
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@Xquality has talked about having animals in the game. Now as the map is pretty small animals wouldn't be an ideal thing. He also talked about a new map running with the source 2 engine. The map (he said) will be A LOT bigger 2 to 10 times bigger than paralake and animals might be an addition as he liked the idea of having them in the game. Now as the map will not be completed or changed until a year or more the idea might be a bit optimistic and be forgotten. But right now there is no way that animals will be added in paralake so this idea will not get accepted.
XQ also talked about adding caves to the map etc. so I picture it being very nice if this is a fact. Of course all of the above might be a bit optimistic but they will see how source 2 works and their possibilities so it might not be entirely false? Anyways that's some things he told about the map. But hell it is going to be big <3
I personally don't like the idea because everyone knows the police force goes crazy when one shot is heard across the map. Imagine if shots are ringing out every 5 minutes all the time. Gun shots would stop being investigated.

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