I am the best SWAT on DarkRP 2

making an IA on you for shooting the hostage say bye bye to ur rank kiddo
my first thought when i saw the excessive amount of blood cluttering the screen when you get shot

I wasnt shot, The blood was from the crooks head exploding all over me.

making an IA on you for shooting the hostage say bye bye to ur rank kiddo

I worked VERY Hard gaining the +2 hours gametime required to become the SWAT General thank you very much no Ia pls I will send you £2 on Paypal
i thought people joined perp cus they didnt want darkrp

I infrequently play on DarkRP servers like this because I find people can be more creative with there RP and I can have fun without having rules and in game mechanics limit my creativity and fun. Features such as spawning props and the likes allow users to be more creative, and the ease of switching job roles and changing your entire RP character brings to a fun, simplistic Roleplay experience.

Plus on PERP you can't kidnap the mayor and chief of police and lock them in your sex dungeon in the woods to be anally penetrated to death without getting reported and banned.