Moon The Goon Messages 1,288 Reaction score 2,951 Points 340 Location United Kingdom, Southampton May 1, 2016 #1 I should trust my gut instinct.
Creepis Messages 7,020 Reaction score 18,218 Points 1,200 Location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany May 1, 2016 #2 Perspective by @Walker coming soon, this was brilliant :trande:
Mage Messages 1,170 Reaction score 3,940 Points 775 Location United Kingdom May 1, 2016 #3 That was fucking brutal
Walker Messages 2,025 Reaction score 8,115 Points 360 Location United Kingdom May 1, 2016 #4 That wasn't me I promise
Silent Messages 368 Reaction score 1,664 Points 520 Location Israel May 1, 2016 #5 get fucking rekt ....
JARRE Messages 1,098 Reaction score 2,694 Points 685 Location Netherlands May 1, 2016 #6 It's going to be some good this night if I have to believe OOC Calling it now
Torben Torben Messages 76 Reaction score 115 Points 315 Location Eat shit dirt bag May 1, 2016 #8 I dont understand why anyone would trust Ben walker ever, like one moment he is helping and then this happens
I dont understand why anyone would trust Ben walker ever, like one moment he is helping and then this happens
Keel Messages 258 Reaction score 769 Points 340 Location United Kingdom May 3, 2016 #10 Wait i left before this what actually happend?