altough i very much didn't like the attidude you were throwing around about nobody but keiwam was helping you, and you seemed to know the issue better than anyone else, for some reason my human sympathy decided to help you.
First of all, where the hell did you get the idea that a VPN would work. All that does is route your internet trough a bunch of servers.
if you really think it'll work, i wil temporarily give you an account form my service to show it probably won't.
Right, so what i think is happening is that gmod is loading all the data, but seems to freeze and doesn't send anything to the server whilst it doing so meaning you time out.
Did you do the usuals? Checking files, reinstalling, making sure you dont have unessesary bullshit running in the background.
What you want to do is DISABLE ALL ADDONS in the gmod main menu, then try again. If it now works, you have to many addons.
If it doesn't, add this command in the autoexec.cfg, you'll find it in C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\garrysmod\garrysmod\cfg
cl_updaterate 15
it seems more like an issue which has completely to do with your gmod or pc, lack of ram, slow loading speed of your hdd/ssd which causes gmod to freeze and time out. Does loading gm_flatgrass take rather long? check that too.
altough i do not recommend this fix as there most likely is some weird issue going on that needs a fix, you can try adding "sv_timeout 99999" without the quotes into autoexec.cfg aswell, this will not time you out unless 99999 seconds have passed, instead of the default 40 seconds.
[DOUBLEPOST=1492793583,1492793366][/DOUBLEPOST]Amerox if you really, really need that vpn to work you'll get one from me for free for a short while until you get it fixed. i have 2000mbit of free bandwidth as of now