I need some help to make a rap beat

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Hi guys i need some help with a music homework it says that u need to make a song and me and my friend said we should make a rap song. He allready made the rap song so if u chould help me it whould be awesome. The day i need to give the song to my teacher is next monday. So if u chould make the rap beat to me and send it to me u whould make me happy. If u make the rap beat u will be rewarded 50k money in perpheads. :)

U need to use this program its a webbsite: https://www.soundtrap.com
So you're basically paying people IG money to do your homework. Oh dear....

Using common sense why don't you go online and look at some tutorials, or see some examples you can use, and then actually do it yourself. That way you've actually learnt something from it.
Or you could do it yourself.

I know this may seem a rather unfriendly and unhelpful thing to say, but you're not always going to have people you can conscript to do things for you, even if you pay them. Not to mention, if coming up with a simple beat track is too much of a task for you to do yourself then you're not going to get far in music honestly.

Put your head down and give it a go yourself. It's only high school, they won't be expecting too much.