"I thought I was warranted"

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Fake excuse or not, it is an excuse I have heard way too often. Officers get killed over tickets because the driver "thought he was warranted, and the ticket would make the officer recognize him."*
There has been a lot of shooting of police thanks to misunderstandings and people not wanting to get caught, but most of the times they aren't even warranted.

My question to you are: Should warrants be public/the warranted person know if he is warranted or not?

This could for example work via the newspapers. It could work as a small "menu" with a "wanted" tab, or something like that.
It would also probably lead to "bounty hunters" which I am not sure is a good thing or not.

Got any thoughts on the subject? Post them below.

*This actually happened. It was deemed ok by Bolli.
If you think you are warranted and have reason to believe so then you would do everything you can to not get arrested? I don't see why you have made this its always happened if you are warranted or not. If people have a reasonable belief that they are wanted or something they flee to prevent getting arrested.

That is how it is currently and its working fine, people unsure of they are warranted are caught with ease even if the odd killing done under the belief they are warranted, when they are not, is done. Imagine if every warranted person knew they were warranted and the chaos of them mass murdering every cop that pulls them over for a stop sign.

I have seem warranted people get ticketed and let go because officers dont know they are warranted and neither do they. Imagine the outcome if every time this happened the officers were gunned down.

No thanks.
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I have to say that if people know they are wanted they will be much harder to catch. We often catch wanted persons because they do not know they are wanted. For example, if they know they are wanted they will be less likely to buy a house or fall for one of my world famous "Hey dude wanna hang out and grow at subs?".

Besides, people should only try to run if police check their ID. If police do not then there is no need to get more heat than you have to.

To sum it up:
Warrants need to stay private.
In my eyes the police should advert the warrented people so maybe other people would help them catch the warrented guys and probably will solve your problem with people thought the were warrented but used it as an excuse to start a shootout
This is a nice reason to update the newspaper. All warranted people should show up on a list along with the crimes they are wanted for, maybe even a reward for capturing them? I think this would allow people to be bounty hunters and is another way of making some decent money. As long as they bring the warranted suspect in alive you should get a reward from the PLPD which comes out of city funds.
I say keep it only to PLPD knowledge.
If people know they are warranted then that will give them every excuse to simply murder every cop who looks their way simply because "I'm warranted for murder and he was going to pull me over so I did what I had to do to stay out of jail"
This way it's up to the individual player to figure out whether or not they are warranted instead of excusing them for going out of their way to bait cops and other similar things.
If everyone could see individual warrants, it would just result in a murder-fest, something that's not wanted here.
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A great way to know if you're warranted is to go into the PD and ask the NPC, if yes, you run to your bugatti and drive away at 140 crashing into the intersection @Bean Can