I will never return to this server

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I want to open up a discussion about what happened today.

I got into a police chase, then I was banned for "escalating" with absolutely zero discussion. Then I made a report on forms and the ban was EXTENDED because apparently saying "my game crashed" is lying because if your game freezes and you leave that is not "crashing"... its... err... "freezing"? Yea, so I got another week because instead of writing "my game froze", I wrote "my game crashed". If anyone looks at this situation with even half a mind of rationality, they can see what a nonense this ban has been from start to finish. And I have a massive problem with also being accused of being a liar.

Absolutely riduculous and vile conduct from this server and its owners. I have had no explanation, no discussion, nobody listened to my side. Nobody even bothered to explain the rule that I was banned under. Then I was literally bullied when I made an appeal and accused of lying.

The server is run like a mafia by the same handful of players who play every day and bans are handed out in a completely random way. Its a horrible environment for any player who isnt in the "in circle". I have proof of this because when my ban requested was refused, the VERY PLAYER who reported me and had me banned LIKED the post in which my ban appeal was denied.

At no point have I been able to give my side of the story or had anyone talk to me in a serious or respectful way. I have just been banned the very people who reported me have cheerleaded the whole process. Terrible.
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Every piece of evidence provided by staff and yourself clearly shows you broke rules, it's best to just wait the ban and come back with an attitude that won't make you an insufferable person to be around.

But if you want to quit, don't blame it on staff doing their job correctly.

Anyways, womp womp.
What was there to discuss or dispute exactly? Everything you bought up had been taken into account and your entire appeal comprised of moot points.
I want to open up a discussion about what happened today.

I got into a police chase, then I was banned for "escalating" with absolutely zero discussion. Then I made a report on forms and the ban was EXTENDED because apparently saying "my game crashed" is lying because if your game freezes and you leave that is not "crashing"... its... err... "freezing"? Yea, so I got another week because instead of writing "my game froze", I wrote "my game crashed". If anyone looks at this situation with even half a mind of rationality, they can see what a nonense this ban has been from start to finish.

Absolutely riduculous conduct from this server and its owners. I have had no explanation, no discussion, nobody listened to my side. Nobody even bothered to explain the rule that I was banned under. Then I was literally bullied when I made an appeal.

The server is run like a mafia by the same handful of players who play every day and bans are handed out in a completely random way. Its a horrible environment for any player who isnt in the "in circle". I have proof of this because when my ban requested was refused, the VERY PLAYER who reported me and had me banned LIKED the post in which my ban appeal was denied.
will miss you man you was my favorite xoxo

larp larp
I want to open up a discussion about what happened today.

I got into a police chase, then I was banned for "escalating" with absolutely zero discussion. Then I made a report on forms and the ban was EXTENDED because apparently saying "my game crashed" is lying because if your game freezes and you leave that is not "crashing"... its... err... "freezing"? Yea, so I got another week because instead of writing "my game froze", I wrote "my game crashed". If anyone looks at this situation with even half a mind of rationality, they can see what a nonense this ban has been from start to finish. I do have a massive problem with also being accused of being a liar for this reason.

Absolutely riduculous and vile conduct from this server and its owners. I have had no explanation, no discussion, nobody listened to my side. Nobody even bothered to explain the rule that I was banned under. Then I was literally bullied when I made an appeal and accused of lying.

The server is run like a mafia by the same handful of players who play every day and bans are handed out in a completely random way. Its a horrible environment for any player who isnt in the "in circle". I have proof of this because when my ban requested was refused, the VERY PLAYER who reported me and had me banned LIKED the post in which my ban appeal was denied.
I said that and i returned so is that like anger issue or?
Its not an anger issue, its a making up accusations of lying is beyond disgusting behaviour issue. Then watching as those made up accusations are liked by the people who reported you and got you banned in the first place.

Clearly there is going to be no even semi rational discussion of any of this.
Its not an anger issue, its a making up accusations of lying is beyond disgusting behaviour issue. Then watching as those made up accusations are liked by the people who reported you and got you banned in the first place.

Clearly there is going to be no even semi rational discussion of any of this.
act rational first dont rant like you are the jonkler or something
Simon Bendetti, the guy who reported me, and liked my being banned, now responds gloating. That is where perpheads is at. Players who main cops (because of their own life issues, lets be real) now have the power to push for players to get banned and gloat about it.

To be clear, I like perpheads, its not perpheads why I am leaving. Its the fact that the players who either play all day or are admins are THE MOST toxic and they ruin everyone elses experiences and get away with it every day. That's why I am leaving.
@money and i agree, this is ridiculous, we should stand up! Lets riot in the streets and destroy people their stuff, we cant let them do this !1!!!1!!11!
U gonna leave soon or what and stop crying
Simon Bendetti, the guy who reported me, and liked my being banned, now responds gloating. That is where perpheads is at. Players who main cops (because of their own life issues, lets be real) now have the power to push for players to get banned and gloat about it.

To be clear, I like perpheads, its not perpheads why I am leaving. Its the fact that the players who either play all day or are admins are THE MOST toxic and they ruin everyone elses experiences and get away with it every day. That's why I am leaving.
Don't break the rules, don't get banned. It is that simple. Your dispute was not really a dispute, it was more so "Waaaah someone reported me".
Simon Bendetti, the guy who reported me, and liked my being banned, now responds gloating. That is where perpheads is at. Players who main cops (because of their own life issues, lets be real) now have the power to push for players to get banned and gloat about it.

To be clear, I like perpheads, its not perpheads why I am leaving. Its the fact that the players who either play all day or are admins are THE MOST toxic and they ruin everyone elses experiences and get away with it every day. That's why I am leaving.
perpheads is defined by the community
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