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For the past weeks and months i've started to get extremely bored with perp. I'd join the server, copmain for 20 minutes and then just leave the server again. I've returned from a vacation and it's the same, it's just really boring. COVID-19 hasn't given me the best mood, to be fair, and any game i start up i generally tend to shut down within an hour again. Thats probably 5 months of sitting inside for 'ya. Ever since i came back in febuari i've spend most of my time grinding for cop which feels like a waste of time.

I'm starting college this week, so i'm guessing that i will dissapear from the community as i've learned during my hiatus and absenses to value my social life more than a stupid meeting or training session. If i want to force myself into doing something i don't like doing, i might as well do it for money.

i'd like to apologise to some people for not finishing certain things i promised i would. Extreme boredom, sad thoughts and procastination put perp related projects on a halt and at the bottom of my list. I should never have said yes to those things, but i'm bad at saying no.

Without some people in this community i probably wouldn't have stayed for more than a year. I won't tag anyone, because I will probably miss a shitload of people, but those who know me know who they are. I'll still speak with you lot on steam, discord or teamspeak and host the occasional tekkit or SCP server once in a while.

Op een innig vaarwel, en tot de volgende.

P.S. Guy in my signature is right!
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<3, i'll probably speak to you on TS every once in a while
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Reactions: Mim
I'll miss you buddy, thanks so much for all the fun times and for helping out so much with Blockheads. You've really been a fun and great person to hang out with. I hope everything is well and we're always here for you :)! See you around <3
It was my pleasure! You know where to find me if you need another tekkit server :) And thanks for asking, i'll be fine.
Godverdomme, moet ik de kinderen nou zelf opvoeden, word je zo een vader? Heel je leven afwezig en dan op het laatste moment onze kinderen mij afnemen. Wie denk je wel niet dat je bent.

maar even zonder gekkigheid, jammer dat je weg gaat. Ik vond het altijd hartstikke gezellig, ik spreek je vast nog wel is! Veel succes met school.
Sneaky :( gelukkig is er al een andere tfu main. Wie zouden we anders moeten callen :D .

veel succes met school en mss tot ooit eens! School start vroeg lol, moet pas de 21e beginnen.
moet ik nou ook nog eens de moeite doen om een tikkie te sturen, heb net al lopen shoppen voor een baby kamer godverdomme.
ik loop hier godverredomme rond met 5 kinderen van jou. oplichter