If you had the chance....

You’re not English so you got more luck getting Trump to join Anti-fa
@Dom_ So he'd give me a gram for free
@gLaCiAl To deport his ass and shave his goatee
@Atomic So I could roll him down some stairs
@Sorle Just so we could fuck
@ICEKILLER_99 So we can KOS cops IRL
@doge Just to hear his voice again then bully the shiba for being 5 ft 7
@Husky Just to call him toxic then walk away @Creepis
@Legion of Darkness So I could witness him smashing monitors over suffocating in a wall on minecraft
@Fasool So we could hit the gym together
@Daigestive So we could get absolutely smashed out of faces together
@Kenty Because i'd like to say your mum gei then walk away
@bobbieross meeting him soon since i've known him for 5 years now
@Mystic Because she looks like madeleine mccann
@Shokron13 So we could blow some goats up idk
@thehomelessdude So we could have a LAN and grind tower unite
always am anyway
@McGlinchy so I can call him a homo
@Tunnels so I can express my love to him
@Aquaa so I can execute him
@Jamal so I can dropkick him
@Gimic so I can steal his fags
@Legion of Darkness so I can kill him with his fur suit
@Atomic so I can swipe his legs
@Brinch2 because @Brinch is shit
@gLaCiAl so I can lure him back into Mexico with a drug cartel
@Jay so I can bully him just like he gets bullied in school
@Rhys :) because he teaches me how to be a very big rich man
@Daigestive so I can make his hair brown again
@Ethan so I can grab his big fat perm and swirley him
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I came across this page and was like "Oof I have no one I wanna meet -.- FUCK", then I realised theres actually 1 person I'd like to meet.

@Henk - You're my "Brother" and been with me and helped me through the hardest times for almost 3 years now. He's amazing and I would feking love to meet him.

I actually also wanna meet another person

@Thomas Fredrick - Amazing Person, and Amazing personality and extremely helpful definitely would love to take the chance too.
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