I'll be inactive for a few days

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Hey guys, how's it goin- Oh screw that, I already know it's going hella fine

Anyway, as some may have noticed, I'll be gone until the 14th, as my steam name says. As in I'll be gone until Tuesday around noon (Which is 3.5 days for the ones that want to know)(This means I won't be on at that moment, but we'll be leaving Norway, so I'll be home around.. I have no clue. Probably middle of the night)

I'll be going to Norway to visit my sister who recently got work there as a nurse. So to make sure you guys aren't like "oh god Niko died, please, what do we do without him" (Which most likely no one would say), here it is.

Uhm.. So.. Yeah.. Here's a kitten:
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Hey, there! Niko reporting in from Norway.

So far everything is fine, and I managed to bring my laptop. Don't expect anything, this piece of junk dies if I begin playing Minesweeper.
Anyway, the hotel room we have is pretty bad, but not bad enough to complain or anything. We have internet included in the price, so that's good.

I hope you guys are having fun on the server. See you either very late Tuesday or early Wednesday