Hey Fanboys/Fangirls,
Guess whose back
, that's right, your lord and savior Black Jesus has returned. Now, I won't be on everyday as last year as I have school, and this is the year the universities take my High-school transcript. I am also taking to AP (Advanced Placement Courses), AP Physics, and AP Biology. So I am like an illegal child worker, who is completely overworked. Hopefully I can find some times out of my super ass rape schedule to play some PERP. As It is my home community, I would also like to share that I have started taking some courses in Game Production. Its from C++ Programming all the way to engine making, graphics, etc. So that is there too. Anyways, I will be more active on the forums, because for the pass month I was on a cruise to Alaska. Anyways here some Pictures below. ( All Photos By Moi )
(awesome scenery)
(My Sister, My Baby Cousin, and Moi)
( Awesome Bus Ride Stop)
(My Pops, and I)
( Seaplane Selfie)
And Always
Love, Black Jesus
Guess whose back

And Always
Love, Black Jesus