I'm sorry guys

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Hey Guys,

I just wanted to make a formal apology for being fairly inactive over the last month or so. I've been fairly busy dealing with things outside of the server, and whenever I've tried to get back into it something within my life has dragged me and held me back.

I do however want to stress that I do not wish to lose or resign from my position within the staff team, I've worked a lot within this community and I wouldn't want to lose all that just by simply going incognito for a couple of months.

Hopefully within the next few weeks my activity will slowly resume to what it normally was. Anyways, hope everyone has a great time whilst I'm gone, much love guys <3 :mrlewis:
You worked hard to keep ph away from rule breakers , you accually deserve a vacation to hawaii lmao :booty:
Im pissed of at you because your a shit inactive admin.

Jks babe, even though we have been on teamspeak like everyday i still miss you on PERP, hurry back! #BringbackMrlewis
Wait who are you..?

Nah kidding, shame to hear you've been having some life issues going on but good to hear you'll be making a comeback!
you were a rubbish admin anyway
jk mate if theres problems just think happy thoughts like rainbows or some shit and be happy
dont get as depressed as i was a few days ago
it isnt nice
dont cut yourself
it hurts
it doesnt help
I was going to say something nice but then you rated my post dumb.
Vape yourself, nerd.
