Well, This is something I have not been looking forward to. My GCSE's are coming up and my first exam is on the 16th of May and I want to try my best so from this post going up you will probs only see me on the server a few hours a week. I may come on now and then when I have done my 4-5 hours of revision but we will see. This is not a goodbye this is a 'my exams are coming up I want to revise and I probably wont have enough time to play perp'. Im confident towards my exam as I need to get 5 GCSE C grades to get into sixth form but that's if everything goes well including my maths.
My last exam is on the 16th of June so expect a lot more activity from me but not too much because as many people know when you finish year 11 you usually have 6-8 weeks free time so I will probably go on holiday but until then.