Police Suggestion Include caller when assigned to incident

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Suggestion Title: Include caller when assigned to incident
Suggestion Description: When you assign yourself via the J menu, include the Caller's name too. This is included in original 911 call that appears on screen, but is left behind when you assign yourself to that incident.

Why should this be added?:
- Promotes officers assigning themselves and using incident radio
- No need to ask dispatcher about caller information when outside car
- Including left-over information that appears on your screen anyway

What negatives could this have?:
- none.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Fixing lack of information from the call
Yes please. having phone number the minimum would help. as fire it sucks when im trying to call someone and telling them rescue is on their way and how best to help us and be safe until we arrive or when trying to call someone back for more info on a call and etc.
I know this info is already available from the computer, but I'm unsure if making the name more accessible is a good idea, I know most people don't have the inclination to abide by the recognition rules, and will just call you out without any effort by comparing both names

I'd be OK with adding the phone number somehow, undecided about the name. Also, there's limited space, we might need to redesign the incident UI
More accessibility would be useful as there often aren't dispatchers on

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